Taylor County Schools Special Education Data Review process September 29, 2010
Guiding Review of Data Review Collect data all year long for each of the indicators for the CASADA ◦ Understand what data the indicator is asking for and where it is located There are multiple sources – ensure source is accurate and from WVEIS if at all possible. ◦ Keep a good understanding of how the data is collected and tracked in your county and if needed revise the system if the WVEIS data (or CASADA data) is continually needing “cleaned” up.
Supplemental Data ◦ Grade analysis for achievement Number of students with 3 or more D’s or F’s, numbers by LRE Number of students who are not earning credits Number of students who are not showing improvement with WESTEST2 ◦ Drop Out Analysis Who is dropping out? When are they dropping out? Why are they dropping out? Look at the key indicators – GPA, attendance, credits earned vs. credits attempted, transfer in educational career, retention, service changes one year prior to drop, exceptionality
Drop Out Profile Repeating 9 th or 10 th grader (has not earned all credits attempted) Has 20 or more unexcused absences at the time of the drop with a history of truancy since elementary school Has been retained at least one time Has a GPA of 1.0 or less at the time of drop with a history of 3 or more D’s or F’s for the last two years on every report card Has an exceptionality of LD The IEP has not substantially changed with in the last year prior to the drop Has a school or county transfer in their school career Discipline was not an issue in the drop The student reports dislike of school and/or not feeling connected to the school as the reason for the drop.
Supplemental Data ◦ File reviews periodically throughout a year and from an independent person (RESA director) Do an independent review at least one every two years Do two and three file reviews in a year by the same team which is a sub group from the CASADA every other year ◦ LRE analysis What exceptionality? When do services increase? In what content areas? ◦ Do survey of soft data from time to time What do teachers think? What do parents think? What do the students think?
Data Review continued Have a system of review of the data by as many staff members as possible. Realize that you will continually collect the data and then do trend data across the years Make data visual - use data walls at the county level and at the school level
Data Review continued Do develop improvement plans based on the data Have a process of review on a monthly basis of the improvement plan. If you need help ask for it from RESA and the State. Don’t wait from them. You should know your county and the data. ◦ Remember its easier to do an improvement plan vs a corrective action plan.