Fall 2012 The Glen Rock Elementary Report Card Committee
GradeTeacher/ Administrators School KindergartenDonna RooneyCentral Kinder. and First Katy LauHamilton FirstHeather FrankCentral Second and LCAnn JakobsenByrd SecondJulie PalmeriColeman Third and FirstKeri HolmgrenByrd ThirdNicole DextrazeColeman (new member) Fourth and Fifth Jackie NeugebauerColeman and Byrd FourthAudrey MutchHamilton FifthJulie BurnetCentral District Technology Coordinator Paul Cusack District Special EducationColleen OrsiniByrd Principals Director of C&I Andrew Matteo Linda Weber Kathy Regan Central Byrd District Committee Members
July 11 th and 12 th, 2011 – full day committee meetings September 23 rd – afternoon committee meeting October 27 th – afternoon committee meeting November 28 th – grade level update meetings with committee members December 12 th – afternoon meeting to incorporate feedback from November meeting and revise drafts April 27 th – afternoon meeting to review and discuss all report card recommendations July 13 th, finalization of report cards for Genesis and begin Math benchmarks Meetings
Collected 14 samples of report cards from surrounding and J DFG districts Developed criteria and created a rubric for developing and revising the Glen Rock K-5 report cards Analyzed sample report cards against the selection criteria rubric Reviewed, considered, and incorporated the new Common Core Standards Narrowed down and selected report cards meeting the established criteria Conducted a more focused review and analysis of the report cards from the five districts which best met the Glen Rock criteria Process
Conducted 6 committee meetings and 2 grade level meetings (November and February) to draft and articulate a new report card Superintendent attended November and December meetings to observe process. Updates were provided at the Board Instruction and Program Committee Meeting in November 2011 December 2011, April 2012 and August 2012 Process Continued
The district report cards which met the Glen Rock criteria and were reviewed in greater depth: Paramus Cresskill River Vale Ridgewood Tenafly Process Continued
Committee members worked in small groups: K-1, 2-3 and 4-5 as well as K-3 and 4-5 Each subgroup drafted report card templates and reported out to the entire K-5 group K-5 committee members worked together to format a template with common language. Review changes with school level HSAs May and June with an evening meeting in October 2012 Implement new report card Committee will be developing marking period benchmarks aligned with new CCSSs and NJCCCSs over the next year Process Continued
Alignment with the new national standards Provide more detailed and standards based feedback to parents Consistency of grading Numerical, standards based grading system (1-4) Trimesters to more closely align with NJDOE Model Curriculum Units and Assessments Prepare for the future state developed report card which will be standards based and tied to on-going assessments Include attendance – absence and tardy User friendly layout Major Considerations by and Priorities of the Committee
Alignment with new national standards Introduce a kindergarten report card Inclusion of a statement regarding curriculum modifications Consistent K-5 numerical grading system which aligns with state and federal core standards Explanation of how the report card serves as one method of communicating progress Attendance and tardy section Development of detailed benchmark rubrics for deeper analysis of student learning outcomes. Major Outcomes
Interim – October 19, 2012 First Marking Period – December 7, 2012 Interim – January 30, 2013 Second Marking Period – March 18, 2013 Interim – May 7, 2013 Third Marking Period – June 20, 2013 Schedule of Marking Periods Established by Guidance Office
Cresskill Paramus Essex Fells Ho-Ho-Kus Rivervale Ridgewood Tenafly Districts Implementing Trimester Standards Based Report Cards
Goals implement report card place report card online for parents Create standards based benchmarks Meetings with parents during May (building level HSA meetings) and in October (evening – district ) – create subject area guiding benchmarks Principals are establishing K-2 primary conference dates as has been done in the past. Status
Go to the Glen Rock School District- Curriculum and Instruction website page instruction.glenrocknj.org/modules/groups/integra ted_home.phtml?&gid= &sessionid=bf2b0121 dc2f79c c314fe9b6c&t= instruction.glenrocknj.org/modules/groups/integra ted_home.phtml?&gid= &sessionid=bf2b0121 dc2f79c c314fe9b6c&t To View the Report Cards…
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