“ IT IS PROOF NOT TRUTH” THE IEP IS THE PROOF Dr. Jodi Roseman Director of Special Education School District of Springfield Township
On your index card write 5 sources of information used to develop the “present levels of education” section on an IEP
Predictives and PSSAs – Green Curriculum-Based Assessments and teacher observations –Blue Report card Grades – Pink Standardized Assessments Administered by Teachers – Yellow Standardized Assessments Administered by Psychologists – Orange FBAs - Purple
Present levels of academic achievement: Present levels of ACADEMIC achievement refer to how the student is performing within the general education curriculum. Describes what the student can and cannot do in Reading, writing, and mathematics Describes performance in relation to his/her peers and state-approved grade level standards. Provides Current instructional levels Provides information on permanent products, and work completion Describes classroom strategies or interventions applied and their results Describes any additional or alternative instructional materials, instructional time or personnel.
Present levels of functional performance: This section includes information regarding classroom performance and the results of any functional assessments that have been administered. Includes performance data and current skill levels, not just a description of academic and behavioral deficits Grades PSSA Scores Data from Interventions Describes functional performance Activities of daily living; such as hygiene, dressing, basic consumer skills Ability to access public transportation social/emotional learning skills or behavioral difficulties consideration of personal safety and socially appropriate behavior. Describes strengths and needs Results from functional behavioral assessment Strengths and Needs
Present levels related to current postsecondary transition goals: This section should provide a concise description of the student’s current Academic Achievement and Functional Performance based on age appropriate assessments related to the student’s targeted postsecondary goals. Examples of formal or informal assessments CareerScope CDM PSAT and SAT scores interest inventories and career surveys vocational evaluations Includes parental concerns for enhancing the education of the student Parent feedback forms Documented discussions
How the student’s disability affects involvement and progress in the general education curriculum: This section should include statements about the student’s progress in the general education curriculum Describes how the student is accessing the general education curriculum with or without modifications, adaptations, and support services. Demonstrate the need for: the continuation, elimination, or additional support and services in the student’s IEP. Uses assessments that relate directly to the general education curriculum and grade level content standards Can reference the PA Academic Standards, Assessment Anchors, and/or eligible content.
Strengths/Academic, developmental, and functional needs related to student’s disability: In this section, the IEP team will describe or list what the student does well (i.e., strengths). In addition, the IEP team needs to describe the specific needs of the student related to the student’s disability. Describes how the disability may impact involvement and progress in the general education curriculum Describes kinds of specialized support and service that are necessary for the student to access and make progress in the general education curriculum in the regular education class. Provides information about the student’s needs relating to Post-secondary goals Strengths interests and preferences Experiences
Working with a partner or small group, review Example 1 (Dan Student’s Present Levels of Ed.) Use your color codes from the DO NOW to highlight the sources of information. Return to large group A representative from your small groups should use your color codes from the DO NOW to put sticky notes on the Smart Board according to sources of information
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and No Child Left Behind legislation mandate that students, including those with disabilities, must have access to the general education curriculum and participate in the statewide assessment system. As a result Pennsylvania has established academic standards. In order to comply with the above mentioned requirement, schools in Pennsylvania have aligned the PA Academic Standards and/or Assessment Anchor Content Standards to curriculum, thus ensuring the direct connection of what children must know and be able to do with what children are taught (the curriculum).
A tool to help with curriculum alignment is the Standards-Aligned System. This can be accessed at under Education Hub. The IEP specifies learning goals for students with disabilities and should be based on or referenced to PA Standards and/or Anchors
IEPs must include standards-based goals IEPs must include research-based reading and math interventions if the student is functioning below grade level IEP goals must reflect those interventions Both enables the student to be involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum Objectives provide the steps to meet the goal
Annual goals, including academic and functional goals, are a statement in measurable terms that describe what reasonable expectations can be accomplished within a twelve-month period. Includes the condition under which the behavior is to be performed. situation setting given material or support Includes the student’s name Includes a clearly defined behavior the student is expected to perform Includes a performance criteria desired Level the student must demonstrate for mastery How or on what the student must demonstrate mastery How frequently the teacher will assess for mastery
Review of Examples 2 – 6 in handouts Connect to Areas of Need Connect to Progress Monitoring
On the index card provided develop one goal based on the present levels of education presented
On the index card provided complete the following sentences: Based on what I have learned today I am committed to ________________________ BE SPECIFIC