Maths Subject Leaders Network 20 th October 2015 CNCS Room NF1
Shanghai Maths and Mastery Deb Friis
A Focus on KS3 Are they “wasted years”?
Focus for inspections? Leadership: Staffing of KS3 classes Pupils premium support to close the gap Careers advice Quality of assessment Monitoring of pupil progress Transition focused on academic elements not not pastoral. Working closely with primary schools Focus on numeracy across the school needs to be as high as literacy Website information for parents Challenge for pupils: Stretching the highest attaining Homework Quality of teaching: Embedding learning habits Behaviour in low attaining groups Gaining knowledge of prior learning – use baseline tests effecively
The weaknesses in teaching and pupil progress identified by inspectors reflect the lack of priority given to Key Stage 3 by many secondary school leaders. The majority of leaders spoken to as part of this survey said that they staffed Key Stages 4 and 5 before Key Stage 3. In the best secondary schools, leaders set the right culture and ethos to create the kind of orderly, purposeful learning environment that is the bedrock for successful learning. Teachers had a comprehensive understanding of pupils’ prior learning, gained through well-established ways of working with their partner primary schools. As a result, they were able to ensure that they built on this at Key Stage 3. The headteachers in these schools made Key Stage 3 a high priority for all staff, pupils and parents. In order for secondary schools to continue to improve, this good practice needs to become the norm.
‘I find the maths that I do doesn’t challenge me at all. It is too easy.’ ‘In maths I did Level 6 so some of the work is much easier than primary was...’ ‘I sometimes find the maths easy and can do it really quickly, then I don’t have anything to do.’ ‘Maths – I don’t think they know what we did in primary, so we just do it again.’ ‘I find maths 10x easier than I did in primary.’
Recommendations Secondary school leaders should: make Key Stage 3 a higher priority in all aspects of school planning, monitoring and evaluation ensure that not only is the curriculum offer at Key Stage 3 broad and balanced, but that teaching is of high quality and prepares pupils for more challenging subsequent study at Key Stages 4 and 5 ensure that transition from Key Stage 2 to 3 focuses as much on pupils’ academic needs as it does on their pastoral needs create better cross-phase partnerships with primary schools to ensure that Key Stage 3 teachers build on pupils’ prior knowledge, understanding and skills make sure that systems and procedures for assessing and monitoring pupils’ progress in Key Stage 3 are robust focus on the needs of disadvantaged pupils in Key Stage 3, including the most able, in order to close the achievement gap as quickly as possible evaluate the quality and effectiveness of homework in Key Stage 3 to ensure that it helps pupils to make good progress guarantee that pupils have access to timely and high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance from Year 8 onwards have literacy and numeracy strategies that ensure that pupils build on their prior attainment in Key Stage 2 in these crucial areas.
Ofsted will: make sure that inspections focus even more sharply on the progress made by Key Stage 3 pupils report more robustly on how schools ensure that all pupils make the best possible start to their secondary education. Schools have a legal duty to secure independent careers guidance for all pupils in Years 8 to 13. The statutory guidance that underpins this duty can be found at: people-in-schools. people-in-schools Tricky in the current situation given to us by the government.
‘If you get Year 6 to Year 10 right then Year 11 looks after itself.’
90% conversion rate from L6 at Year 9 to a C at GCSE. 30% conversion rate from L5 at Year 9 to a C at GCSE. Get students to L4 by Christmas of Year 7. Early intervention. Close the spread for these GCSE pupils. “Passport” Numeracy tutor
A Week of Inspirational Maths You Cubed Stanford University Jo Boaler Carole Dweck
Learning Walk Jess Logan
Beyond Levels
Focus on KS4: Temperature Check
Gap Task Next time we will have a TeachMeet session. Each person needs to present (3 or 7 minutes) on how to teach either one of the new topics at GCSE or how to engage the Foundation students in one of the topics that is moving from Higher to Foundation. This can be a video of part of a lesson.
MEI 2015
MEI 2015
ics/2015/misc/T772%20GCSE%20Maths%20Guide%20(web%20- %20final).pdf
MEI 2015
s/2015/misc/T772%20GCSE%20Maths%20Guide%20(web%20- %20final).pdf
CPD/Networks NetworkContact Early Professional Development (EPD) Brigid Du Plessis (Patcham) Excellent Maths Teaching Network (EMT) Ruth Astley (Patcham) Subject Leaders Network (SLN)Louise Taylor (Stringer) Subject Expertise CourseLouise Taylor (Stringer) Jenny Stratton (Westdean) Aspiring Subject Leaders (Starting in January 2016 through the Hub) Louise Taylor (Stringer)
CPD/Networks NetworkContact Growth MindsetCarole Sullivan Maths Conference (1 st Feb 2016)Louise Taylor (Stringer) Jo Steadman (St Paul’s) Sussex Maths HubJo Steadman (St Paul’s) hub/sussex-maths-hub/
Gap Task Come with a little video or pictures of concrete resources being used for a topic e.g. NumiconDice Bead stringsAlgebra Tiles 3d shapesGeoboards 2d shapesMulitlink Base 10Number lines TakTiles You can always get another member of staff to prepare this for you!
Next steps Annotate your spiral staircase sheet: The Centre Post: It connects where we are now (the bottom) to where we want to be (the top). What is your goal? The Risers: elements that lift us up a notch (what do you want to change to get to the top?) The Treads: elements that protect us from dropping back (what help do you need?)
Next steps What do you want on the next agenda? The next SLN will be at ….. WWW/EBI post its please.