Welcome to the KS4 Transition Evening Learning together, shaping the future
Welcome to the KS4 Transition Evening Our aim: To equip you as parents with the skills needed to help your child to achieve his or her academic potential at KS4
Previous 10 th year pupils were asked some questions in June… Learning together, shaping the future…
“What have been the biggest challenges? Learning together, shaping the future…
“What have been the biggest challenges? Getting all of the work done Meeting deadlines The work has got harder Devoting more time to revision More is expected of you in lessons We are having to take more responsibility for ourselves and be more independent Learning together, shaping the future…
“In what ways do you feel you could have been better prepared? Learning together, shaping the future…
“In what ways do you feel you could have been better prepared? I would have liked more phone calls home to my parents so they knew to get me working and not just playing on my play station(!) Learning together, shaping the future…
Targets. What you are aiming for Pupils are set academic targets in each subject in year 10 for the end of KS4 These are realistic but with an element of challenge Learning together, shaping the future…
Targets. What you are aiming for The targets for Y10 will be set after half term and we aim to have them in the post to you by Friday 28 th November along with grades for attitude to learning Learning together, shaping the future…
Reporting on progress Our system for feeding back information to pupils and parents regarding progress is changing this year. Teachers will initially set a target for each subject Teachers will then feedback during the year whether the pupil is ‘absolutely secure at grade C …..C1’, ‘likely to be grade C …. C2’ or ‘may dip below grade C to grade D ….. C3’. These are called ‘Projected Grades’ Learning together, shaping the future…
Reporting on progress This fine grading will provide more detailed information that will allow us to be very targeted in the support we offer students It provides parents with information that allows you to have a more detailed discussion with your son/daughter about the progress they are making Learning together, shaping the future…
Reporting on progress The first set of projected grades will be sent to you on 23 rd January Pupils will then have learning conversations with their tutors the following week You will have the opportunity to discuss progress made at the Y10 parents’ evening on the 24 th February Learning together, shaping the future…
The learning conversation Pupils each have a one to one interview with their form tutor They will review their progress, recognising achievements and/or discussing reasons where progress is less than expected Targets to support improvement will be set The tutor will contact parents by phone or if there are concerns Learning together, shaping the future…
Reporting on progress Projected grades are sent home at regular intervals through year 10 and 11 with a similar system of learning conversations and a further parents evening in year 11 Learning together, shaping the future…
What happens if a pupil is performing below where we expect them to be? In most cases, this will be addressed through the learning conversations and support or intervention from subject teachers If a pupil is making less than expected progress in 4 or more subjects they will meet with their head of house who will contact you to discuss further strategies Learning together, shaping the future…
Essentials for success at KS4 Be up to pace Organisation Independent work Preparation for exams Literacy and numeracy Learning together, shaping the future…
How you can help… Provide your son or daughter with lots of support and lots of encouragement Take an interest in their subjects and encourage them to talk about their lessons at home Check planners and provide time and space for homework and revision to be competed Monitor presentation in books Encourage reading at home as a leisure activity Learning together, shaping the future…
How you can help… Make sure your child is bringing the right books and equipment to school Attend KS4 transition evening, parents evenings, Parent Power (24 th October) and Post 16 Open Evening (Yr 11) Read reports and discuss with your child Remind your son/daughter that they won’t be allowed on Rewards Day if they have too many penalties! Learning together, shaping the future…
English GCSE
What are the main differences between KS3 ( Years 7 – 9 ) and KS4 (Years 10 and 11)? Demand for independence – sticking to deadlines / seeking help when it is needed Commitment and consistency! Assessments throughout KS4 means the effort needs to be spread out – not a last minute panic in May of Yr 11! Utilise help for students to reach their potential, they must use the help available to them – e.g. period 6. Hard Work! Plain and simple!
We offer two routes for English at GCSE. English (1 GCSE) English (1 GCSE) Covers aspects of literature but with a focus on language. English Literature and Language (2 GCSEs) English Literature and Language (2 GCSEs) 2 separate qualifications, the content is more diverse and detailed.
What does an English GCSE look like? 2 Units Unit 1: Understanding and producing non-fiction texts. This is an external exam worth 60% of the GCSE course. Students will sit the exam at the end of Year 11 but will develop their exam skills throughout KS4. Unit 2:Understanding and producing creative texts. For this unit, students will complete 5 pieces of controlled assessment. These pieces will be completed in school, the unit is worth 40%
What do the English Literature and Language GCSEs look like? Understanding and producing non-fiction texts Understanding spoken and written texts and writing creatively Exploring Modern texts Poetry Across Time Shakespeare and English Literary Heritage Literature Language
What can we do to support your child? -Lessons are carefully planned to ensure that students develop the necessary skills for their exams and CA -Intervention: Throughout the year, we use data returns (projected Grades / AOBs) to target students for extra support - We are a dedicated and skilled team! What can you do to support your child? -Discuss the subject at home -Communicate any worries or concerns -Promote reading at home help themselves? What can your child do to help themselves? -Work hard in lessons -Take the subject seriously -Ask for help!
Students learn how to… …dissect quotes … explore ideas … interpret format … appreciate themes … make comparisons … appreciate author’s ideas
TimeR23 CWE R20 SCL R25 CWI R26 KCA 6:30- 6:50 ABCD 6:50- 7:10 CDAB KS4 Transition evening: group schedule