+ Sharing Data to raise standards
+ What do we want to achieve? What data would help us show improved outcomes for learners? What data are we aiming to share to establish regional benchmarking and comparisons ?
+ Setting the benchmark: The DfE expectations for APS Progress and attainment: 5A* – C’s and 5A* - G’s, Level 4 at KS2 in E&M, KS 2 – KS4 in E&M (National data 2012 unclear) Attendance – 88% or above, FTE & PA Reintegration and transition – 100% Quality of teaching and learning – 50% or above good to outstanding lessons 5 A* – D’s, 5 qualifications or their equivalent, Expected progress, more than expected progress in E&M from point of entry Improved attendance from point of entry Reduction in PA and unauthorised absences Reintegration and transition back – at KS1, 2 &3 Evidence of successful transfer to Special Educational Setting Improved and rapid reintegration for ASR’s and Medicals NEET Ofsted Criteria
+ Key judgementsRating Achievement of pupilsGood Quality of teachingGood Behaviour and safety of pupilsGood Leadership & managementGood GCSE (if dealing with KS4 pupils) A*-C GCSEs (including English and maths)3.8%10%6.3%10% 5+ GCSEs or equivalent at A-G37%43%32% KS2 (if dealing with primary aged pupils) Level 4+ in English%25%0% (approx) Level 4+ in maths% 25%50% (approx) Pupil progress KS2 to KS4 progress in English%61.8%90%80% KS2 to KS4 progress in maths%48.2%72%71% Attendance Overall attendance rate79% 85%87% Persistent absence at 15%%32% Pupil Destinations (approximate breakdown) Back to mainstream education ( Primary & KS3 only)48%54%52%50% KS4 Destinations - only Training%65%89%83% Employment%14%0%8% NEET%6.9%6.3%5.3% Other: LAC (returned to home county – no data) Students with identified medical issues %13%5%4% Total100% Benchmarking for academy application
+ NEEAPS in Context: NEEAPS: Colchester and Tendring NEEAPS: Primary, KS3 & KS4, ASR/Medicals on and off site Colchester (KS3)47 Clacton (KS4)58 Copford (ASR/Medicals)35 Primary (KS1&2)25 Offsite38 Total203
+ HAPS in Context: HAPS: Maldon HAPS: KS3 & KS4, ASR/Medicals on and off site HAPS KS326 HAPS KS4101 HAPS (ASR/Medicals)42 Primary (KS1&2)5 Offsite42 Total217
National Essex Actual Actual Actual 2014 – 2015 Actual 5 A* - C inc. E&M1.3%X3.8%10%6.3%10% 5A* - G inc. E&M35.9%X30%38%31.332% 5A* - C ‘sX12.1%9.4%12%6.3%13% Level 2 E & M5.4%X3.8%10%14%19% Level 1 E&M35.9%31%48%50%55%63% 5A* - G19.2%27%37%43%31.3%34% 1A* - G78.8%83.1%90%94%87.5%98% Any 1 or more qualifications 92.2%98% 5 qualifications any level 45.3%34% NEEAPS Data: shared with the Management Committee
+ HAPS Actual HAPS Actual HAPS Actual HAPS Actual (34) entries) 5 A*-C INCL E&M0% 9.1%6% 5 A*-G INCL E&M20%33%63.6%64% 5 A*-C8%0%9.1%9% Level 2 E&M Level 1 E&M 5 A*-G20%33%63.6%66% 1 A*-G91%83%97% Any 1 or more qualifications 5 qualifications any level HAPS Data: shared with the Management Committee
+ Cohort Total with least one A* - C exams 5+ A*- C’s 5+ A* - Cs E&M 5+ A*-Ds E&M 5+ A*- Gs E&M %13%10%16%32% %6.3% 7.8%31.3% %12%10%18%50% %9.4%3.8%5.7%13.2% NEEAPS comparative date – to include A* - Ds
+ Non PPG Boys: Gaining English and Maths Non PPG Girls: Gaining English and Maths Number of entries Number & % of cohort achieving A* - G’s Number & % of cohort with a A* - C Number & % of cohort achieving A* - D’s Number of entries Number & % of cohort achieving A* - G’s Number & % of cohort with a A* - C Number & % of cohort achieving A* - D’s %9%16% 23%19%12.5%
+ Actual Actual Actual Whole School Target Actual % 85%87%88% PrimaryKS3 (Mile End ) Copford (ASR’s/Medicals ) KS4 (Green Lodge) Off site (ASR’s /Medicals 91% 87% 82% 79.5% 89% NEEAPS Reintegration and Transition 2014/15 : Overall = 50% (107) KS1&2 = 61% (15 ) KS3 = 63% (53) KS4 = 8% (3) Copford (ASR’s/Medicals) = 30% (11) Off site (ASR’s /Medicals) = 78% (25) NEET: 5%
+ Actual Actual Actual Actual %80%86%88% Year% Reintegration 767% 80% 975% 10100% HAPS Reintegration and Transition 2014/15 : Overall = 73% (22) KS3 = 70% (20) KS4 = 100% (2) NEET = 5% HAPS Attendance and Reintegration
+ Maths English Science More ThanExpectedLess ThanNo ResultMore ThanExpectedLess ThanNo ResultMore ThanExpectedLess ThanNo Result Whole School33%13%37%30%37%9%36%31%24%9%43%38% Colchester54%11%36%0%43%7%50%0%11% 43%36% Copford27%15%48%9%61%9%24%6%21%12%55%12% Clacton29%9%43%20% 9%43%29%46%0%43%11% Offsite23%19%15%42%23%12%27%38%12%15%27%46% NEEAPS- Current Progress data – September 2015 – January 2016
+ HAPS - Current Progress data – September 2015 – January 2016 English (74)Maths (71)Science (57) More thanExpectedMore thanExpectedMore thanExpected Whole School16%46%18%48%25%39% KS314%86%14%43%14%29% KS416%42%19%48%26%40%
+ What does Outstanding look like? Improved outcomes – improved opportunities. Increase in 5A* - C’s including E&M Increased % of students achieving level 2 in E&M Improved progress data from date of entry at KS3 improved literacy and numeracy skills at KS1 &2 Attendance and FTE Reintegration and transition NEET