Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II The Soviet Union was part of the Allied Powers ( along with England,


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Presentation transcript:

Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II The Soviet Union was part of the Allied Powers ( along with England, France, and the United States ) The Soviet Union was instrumental in helping destroy the Nazi regime and put an end to the Third Reich

Stalin was a strong leader who did not tolerate any opposition to his political or economic policies.

Joseph Stalin had three children and was married twice. He outlived both of his wives. Stalin had a fickle personality. He could be amused one moment and angry the next. His temper was unpredictable.

Soviet Propaganda Propaganda is the use of the media to sway public opinion Propaganda is an effective tool because it influences people to see the viewpoint of the government, offers no opportunity for opposing opinions, it controls people

Soviet collectivization Farmers were forced to give up their ownership of farms to make government- owned farms.

What happened to kulak’s who resisted Stalin’s economic “collective farm” policy ? A kulak is a relatively wealthy farmer who opposed Stalin’s harsh economic policies

“Harvest of Devastation” In the 1930s millions of people starved to death in the Soviet Union due to harsh agricultural quotas The military & government officials were fed first Wheat, corn, potatoes, etc. were exported to fund industry Hoarders were deported, sent to gulags or killed

Famine in the Ukraine “Harvest of Devastation”

Joseph Stalin removed anyone who opposed him. They were deported, killed or sent to the gulags. Purged = get rid of

Stalin’s plans were turning the Soviet Union into a leading industrial power, his forceful methods carried a high price and led to much opposition. Many artists, scientists, writers & Communist Party members were shot or sent to labor camps in Siberia.

Stalin died in Several years later, Nikita Khrushchev became the new Soviet leader. He denounced Stalin as a murderer of innocent people & put an end to Stalin’s methods of terror

Stalin’s plan to turn the Soviet Union into a super industrial power was successful until the fall of communism in 1991

Stalin’s influence during World War II helped the United States and Great Britain defeat Hitler and his German Nazi regime. Stalin’s complete control of all news coming into the Soviet Union and news going out of the Soviet Union helped make his harsh economic policies thrive. He affected the lives & destiny’s of millions of families. Stalin’s ambition to create a super industrial power is what led to the Soviet Union being the first to orbit a satellite ( Sputnik ) and to launch the first man in space ( Yuri Gregarin ).