Study Questions Feb 3, Who were the Axis Powers? Pg What is the Third Reich? Pg Which event does this political cartoon represent? Pg. 485
Review Germany, Italy, and Japan Conquer territory Worldwide Depression U.S. Does not want political ties Japanese militarists Rape of Nanjing Spanish Civil War *Italy Conquered - Ethiopia Germany Conquered Rhineland Austria Munich Conference Czechoslovakia Nonaggression Pact Danzig Poland?
Objectives 1.What is a Blitzkrieg? 2. How did France fall to the Germans?
California State Standard 10:7:3 Analyze the rise, aggression, and human costs of totalitarian regimes (fascist and Communist) in Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union, noting especially their common and dissimilar traits.
Hitler’s Lightning War Ch Pgs Main Idea: Using the Blitzkrieg Germany overran most of Europe and N. Africa. Why it matters: Hitler’s action set off WWII. World is still suffering from its affect today.
Setting The Stage Hitler knew the Western democracies wanted to avoid war during the 1930s –Appeasement (Each time Hitler grabbed territory (Rhineland, Austria, Czechoslovakia) he became less worried) 1939, Hitler demanded that Poland give back the corridor known as Danzig
Germany Sparks War Nonaggression pact: –Hitler & Soviets will divide Poland between them. –Soviets can also take Finland, Latvia, Estonia Sept. 1, 1939 Hitler attacks Poland –Sept. 3, 1939 Great Britain and France declare war
German Military Strategy Blitzkrieg – lightning war –Fast moving airplanes and tanks, then massive infantry forces –Take the enemy by surprise and overwhelm them
A Changing World
Soviets Attempt to Gain Territory Stalin Annexes - Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia Finland Put up a fight Attack Soviets on Skies Winter conditions and the Finns ferocity led to (Tough win for Stalin) Finns subdued by overwhelming numbers of Russian troops (1 Million Troops) Finns Nazis
Objectives 1.What is a Blitzkrieg? 2. How did France fall to the Germans?
Study Questions Thursday Feb 5, What was the “blitzkrieg”? Page What is so significant about September 1 st, 1939? Page Which event does this political cartoon represent?
Hitler’s Lighting War (Part 2) Ch Main Idea: Using the Blitzkrieg Germany overran most of Europe and N. Africa. Why it matters: Hitler’s action set off WWII. World is still suffering from its affect today.
Review Japanese econ. Japanese Militarists Emperor Why Expansion? Manchuria China U.S. Reaction? Sept. 1, 1939 Great Britain & France (what do they do)? Blitzkrieg Hitler advances toward France USSR?
Objectives How did France fall to the Germans? What was the Battle of Britain?
California State Standard 10:7:3 Analyze the rise, aggression, and human costs of totalitarian regimes (fascist and Communist) in Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union, noting especially their common and dissimilar traits.
Hitler Takes Denmark and Norway British / French fortify French border –“Sitzkrieg” April 1940 –Hitler invades Denmark and Norway Germans try to bomb the British into submission
The Fall of France May 1940 Hitler took the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Hitler invades France! –Hitler “squeezes” his army through the Ardennes forest –Nazis swept through north France in 10 days
Dunkirk Rescue Allied troops are pushed back to the beaches of Lille (northern France) Great Britain launched a daring rescue –From May 26 – June 4th, 338,000 troops would be saved –The troops were saved by boats from all over Britain (fishing boats, rowboats, yachts, lifeboats and the Navy)
Germans Occupy France –June 14th 1940 Nazis take Paris –June 22nd French leaders surrender –Charles de Gaulle sets up a government-in-exile in London
Battle of Britain *Hitler wanted to invade GB *Summer 1940 began bombing GB with Luftwaffe Germany’s Goals –Military Targets –Break British morale (easier to conquer) –Sept 1940 began bombing cities (London) –Didn’t work! RAF (Royal Air Force) fought back –RAF had radar and the Enigma (German secret decoder)
Battle of Britain
Life During the Bombings German Night Raids to avoid RAF Brits live in air raid shelters, basements, or the subway. Kids are sent out to the country Bombing stop in May 1941, Hitler next focused on E. Europe
The Battle of Britain
Analyze the three key concepts CauseEffect Blitzkrieg Dunkirk The Battle of Britain