ILLEGAL DRUGS - Drug Abuse- The intentional improper use or unsafe use of a drug. Drugs that are used for recreational purposes are drug of abuse. Many drugs of Abuse are Illegal Drugs
ILLEGAL DRUGS Illegal drugs are dangerous for the following reasons Illegal drugs are dangerous for the following reasons –They can have dangerous and permanent effects on the brain or body –You can become addicted to almost all illegal drugs –Illegal drugs are main factors in suicides, motor vehicle crashes, and crimes –Illegal drugs that use needles there is the risk of catching infectious diseases such a HEP B, and HIV –Illegal drug abuse can lead to overdoses. Overdose – is the taking of too much of a drug that causes sickness, loss of consciousness, permanent health damage, or even death Overdose – is the taking of too much of a drug that causes sickness, loss of consciousness, permanent health damage, or even death –Illegal drugs can lead a person to make irresponsible decisions Risky sexual behavior Risky sexual behavior Sexually transmitted diseases Sexually transmitted diseases Car accidents Car accidents Other unsafe situations Other unsafe situations
Why oh Why Illegal Drugs? Desire to experiment Desire to experiment Desire to escape from depression or boredom Desire to escape from depression or boredom Enjoyment of risk-taking behaviors Enjoyment of risk-taking behaviors Belief that drugs solve personal, social, or medical problems Belief that drugs solve personal, social, or medical problems Peer pressure Peer pressure Glamorization of drug use by media Glamorization of drug use by media
Teens and Drugs Teens face challenges during adolescence Teens face challenges during adolescence These challenges can make adolescence a very stressful time and can put teens at greater risk for abusing illegal drugs These challenges can make adolescence a very stressful time and can put teens at greater risk for abusing illegal drugs Common teen reasons for trying illegal drugs Common teen reasons for trying illegal drugs –Peer pressure from a surrounding group of people –Teens lack refusal skills to say “NO” –Teens see drugs as a way to escape from depression, frustration, anger, stress. Real problem is that the problem will still exist and now they have a drug use problem as well –Teens try drugs out of curiosity –Teens try drugs because they are natural risk takers
TEENS AND DRUGS Unfortunately teens have a higher risk of addiction than adults do! Unfortunately teens have a higher risk of addiction than adults do! –Brain still developing –Drug use or abuse reverses the effects of the function of the brain –Altering brain development with drug use can result in a lifetime of struggle to overcome addiction
Types Of Illegal Drugs There are many types of illegal drugs but they all have 3 things in common: There are many types of illegal drugs but they all have 3 things in common: –They affect the function of the brain –They are dangerous to your health –They can result in drug dependence and addiction
Types of Illegal Drugs - Depressants which slow the body’s processes down (rohypnol, heroine, morphine, tranquilizers) - Stimulants which speed up the body (cocaine, ecstacy, meth) - Hallucinogens which change the body’s emotions and perception of things (PCP, LSD) - Inhalants which effect the brain immediately (glue, gas, nitrous) - Opiates which are types of heroine - Steroids which increase muscle mass and reverse the effects of both male and female hormones
Drug Interactions and the Danger Of Them When you mix different types of illegal drugs, interactions can occur. When you mix different types of illegal drugs, interactions can occur. –Mixing 2 different depressants, slows things down too much –Mixing 2 different stimulants, speeds things up to much –Mixing alcohol and any of the previous drug categories
Key Drug terms Dependency, what is it? Dependency, what is it? –A person is both mentally and physically dependent on the specific drug use Co-Dependency, what is it? Co-Dependency, what is it? –When a person is dependent on other people to help them get things done due to their specific drug use
Path of Addiction Path of addiction, what is it? Path of addiction, what is it? –Drug Use –Tolerance –Dependence –Addiction –Withdrawal once you quit
Illegal Drug Unit Presentation Handout The Directions Sheet Handout The Directions Sheet –Groups need to be made –Drugs need to be assigned or chosen –Requirements of the project need to be discussed –Grading rubric needs to be discussed so that all parts of the project are complete! –Left over time, groups can discuss their topic