The Zoo Keepers at Taronga Zoo have asked for your help. They need to design new enclosures to exhibit many different Australian animals. Can you help to decide which animals to include and how to look after them? If Year 2 Ran Taronga Zoo... Webquest © A. Musgrove 2007 This is the Homepage Taronga Zoo
Working Groups... The new enclosures will be organised into animal groups. You need to become an expert about one Australian animal from your animal group. You will advise the zoo keepers at Taronga Zoo about your animal’s needs.
This is your Task Page, to return to this page click this button. 1. Discuss the different Australian animals that belong to your animal group. Choose one to research, click Button 1 for ideas; 2 List what your animal looks like and draw a picture, click Button 2;draw 3. Mark where your animal lives in Australia, click Button 3 for map; 4. Write an information report about your chosen animal, click Button 4 for worksheet, click here for animal information; 5. Find out how the zoo keeper needs to look after your animal, click Button 5 for worksheet; 6. With your Year 5 buddy create a PowerPoint presentation about your animal, use the Presentation Outline PowerPoint file to help
Australian Amphibians Websites Green and Golden Bell Frog ABC - Our Animals ARAZPA Taronga Zoo Green Tree Frog ABC - Our Animals Anderson’s Creek Lamington National Park Corroboree Frog ABC - Our Animals Kidcyber Scribbly Gum
Australian Birds Websites Cassowary Enchanted Learning Kidcyber Wet Tropics Authority Lorikeet Australian Museum Australian Wildlife Kidcyber Kookaburra Australian Museum Kidcyber NSW Parks
Australian Fish Websites Manta Ray Australian Museum Enchanted Learning Manta Pacific White Shark Australian Museum Enchanted Learning National Geographic Sea Dragon Australian Museum ABC - Our Animals Kidcyber
Australian Mammals Websites Flying Fox ABC - Our Animals Australian Museum Botanic Gardens Possum Anderson’s Creek Primary Australian Museum Kidcyber Platypus ABC - Our Animals Kidcyber NSW National Parks
Australian Reptiles Websites Blue Tongued Lizard ABC - Our Animals Australian Museum Scribbly Gum Long Necked Turtle ABC - Our Animals Australian Museum Scribbly Gum Freshwater Crocodile ABC - Our Animals Anderson’s Creek School Australian Reptile Park
Orchard Butterfly Australian Museum Melbourne Zoo Museum Victoria Ulysses Butterfly Butterfly Information Enchanted Learning Kidcyber Dragonfly Australian Museum Kidcyber Wildlife of Sydney Australian Insects Websites
© A. Musgrove Animal Attributes Use this fish-bone to organise your ideas. Your Name: Animal Name:
An information report about a ……. Description – What does your animal look like? Tip: Use the notes from your fish-bone organiser to write your description. Habitat - Where does your animal live? Tip: Does your animal live in a desert, forest, wetlands? Use the map of Australia. Movement - How does your animal move? Tip: Does your animal swim, run, fly? Does it move quickly or slowly? Feeding Habits - What does your animal eat? Tip: You can use pictures of what your animal eats. How does it eat – sharp teeth, beak? Breeding Habits – What is the life cycle of your animal? Tip: Does the female lay an egg or give birth to young? What is the special name of the baby animal? e.g. a whale’s baby is called a calf. Other Interesting Facts - What is special or different about your animal? Tip: Is your animal endangered? Why?
How will Taronga Zoo look after your animal? What food does your animal eat? Is your animal nocturnal? What should the enclosure look like? Think about the habitat that your animal comes from e.g. rainforest, desert What interesting things will be in the enclosure for the animal to do?