Vocabulary el cepillo: brush el cepillo de dientes: toothbrush el jabón: soap el maquillaje: makeup la navaja: razor la pasta de dientes: toothpaste el peine: comb
What is a reflexive verb? I wash my face. You wake up. a verb that is used when the person doing the action, is also the person receiving the action.
List of reflexive verbs acostarse (o-ue): go to bed bañarse: to take a bath despertarse (e-ie): to wake dormirse (o-ue): to fall asleep lavarse: to wash (oneself) peinarse: to comb/style hair
sentarse (e-ie): to sit down vestirse (e-i): to get dressed afeitarse: to shave ducharse: to shower maquillarse: to put on make-up ponerse (yogo): to put on quitarse: to take off
Reflexive Pronouns (yo) me (tú) te (ella, él, Ud.) se (Nosotros/as) nos X (Ellos/Ellas Uds.) se
Leaving it in the infinitive first… You must have a conjugated verb placed before the reflexive verb ( Use this list of verbs) need to….. (necesitar) want to…. (querer) going to….. ( ir + a) voy a, vas a, va a, vamos a, van a should (deber) plan to (pensar)
Next, place the reflexive verb after the conjugated verb, but remove the -se Necesito ducharse Necesito duchar Necesito ducharme I need to shower myself. me te se nos se
Necesitas ducharte You need to shower yourself. Necesita ducharse He/she needs to shower himself/herself. Necesitamos ducharnos We need to shower ourselves. Necesitan ducharse They need to shower themselves.
How to conjugate Ducharse Take off the –se ending Duchar Pick the appropriate reflexive pronoun that matches your subject, and place it in the front. Me Duchar Conjugate Duchar to match your subject. Me Ducho Me Te Se Nos se
Conjugation of maquillarse maquillarse 1. (remove the root and reflexive pronoun) Maquill 2. (attach app. endings) maquillo maquillas maquilla maquillamos maquillan 3. Place correct reflexive pronoun in front of conjugated form me maquillo te maquillas se maquilla nos maquillamos se maquillan
One more time
Maquillarse lavarse afeitarse sentarse ducharsevestirse despertarse
acostarse bañarse ponerse peinarse dormirse
T.C. Translate the following phrases 1. Necesito afeitarme. 2. Debo sentarme. 3. Piensa maquillarse. 4. Vas a lavarte las manos. 5. Necesitan bañarse. **Reflexive pronouns** I need to shave myself. I should sit myself down. She plans to put makeup on herself. You are going to wash your hands yourself. They need to bathe themselves.