Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI)


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Presentation transcript:

Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI) Olivier Pleska , EESSI IT Project Manager olivier.pleska@ec.europa.eu 25th February 2014, e-SENS G.A. , Baarn , NL

This presentation will give an overview of EESSI Project Goal EESSI Governance model EESSI Scope and Artefacts EESSI system lay-out and architecture principles EESSI High Level Plan

EESSI Project Goal The primary objective of the EC project is to deliver an electronic platform that will allow EESSI participating countries to fulfill their legal obligation of Social Security coordination through electronic exchange. The platform should facilitate wherever possible the secure exchange of the correct message with the correct recipient incorporating the correct information at the first attempt, in a timescale that optimizes social security coordination. Legal base Reg. (EC) No 883/2004 amended by Reg.(EC) No 988/2009 Reg. (EC) No 987/2009 on social security coordination.

32 countries (28 EU MS + EFTA (CH, IS, LI , NO) EESSI Key figures 32 countries (28 EU MS + EFTA (CH, IS, LI , NO) 10.000 to 15.000 institutions Circa 100,000 users 8 Social Security sectors Accidents at Work and Occupational Disease Benefits, Family Benefits, Legislation Applicable, Pension Benefits, Recovery of Benefits and Contributions, Sickness and Healthcare Benefits, Unemployment Benefits, other Miscellaneous aspects such as Death Grants, Special Non-Contributory Cash Benefits etc...) 60 Business use cases/workflows 64 Access Points (countries ) , 1 Coordination Node (EU) 900 million data exchanges per year

EESSI Governance

EESSI Scope : EESSI Business Model EESSI Process Model – The creation of detailed and agreed International Business Processes for use within EESSI EESSI Data Model – The creation of detailed and agreed data content for use within EESSI (Documents and SEDs) EESSI Business Rules – The creation of detailed and agreed business rules for use within EESSI EESSI Integration Contracts / API Definitions – The full specification of integration contracts between Access Points, between Access Points and National Applications and between Access Points and the Central Node.

EESSI Scope : Coordination Node , international exchange platform for business data exchanges Directory Services: the provision of a system for managing EESSI communication participants, as well as a Master Directory of EESSI Social Security Institutions and Institution Publication Service; Repository and Publication Services: the provision of system component(s) for managing and publishing the business elements that are part of the international protocol upheld by the EESSI system (e.g. version of worflows) Monitoring, Audit Trail, Logging and Statistics - central components that provide the functionality under monitoring (e.g. use cases to inspect system health), logging (e.g. use cases to inspect processing or security events), and statistics (e.g. use cases to retrieve statistical data); Foundation Services - Policy & Security Enforcement, Security, Logging , Audit Trail, … Certificate and CRL Management Services Full Resource Sanity and Unified Reporting Services

EESSI Scope : Design and Development of Access Point Validation and Workflow Services – Handling the validation of the International Business Process according to the Business Process definition. Handling the validation of SEDs according to the SED definitions. ESB / Transport Services – Manages connection with peers and the actual data exchange. It is also in charge of transferring data reliably from AP to AP. Data could be SEDs, their attachments, system messages, etc. Repository & Publication Services – These are replica services that hold a copy of the information and functionality found in the Central Node. Foundation Services – These are services found in each part of the system (CN, AP, WEBIC) that handle common tasks such as policy enforcement, audit and logging. Administration Services – These are services allowing privileged users to manage the Access Point, provision certificates and access the audit trail.

Web Interface for clerks (WEBIC) WEBIC– design and development of a Reference Implementation of a National Application to enable Member States to connect to EESSI.

High Level EESSI system Layout

EESSI Architecture Principles The EESSI architecture is designed with a focus on SOA, reusability and completely decoupled components that will allow us to reuse building blocks from e-SENS WP6 (such as eDelivery / CIPA). The contract based, loosely coupled architecture will allow the project to maintain a flexibility in the choice of the components to be used (and integrate them as they become available) and also will guarantee that the impact on the Member States remains minimal.

High Level Plan

Approach : Playground and Pilot Playground Phase 1(MAR-DEC) Scope: 12 BUC Basic GUI Playground Phase 2 (JUL-APR 2015) Scope: 26 BUC Intermediate GUI Playground Phase 3 Scope: 26 BUC Enhanced GUI AGREED BUC and SUC AGREED BUC and SUC AGREED BUC and SUC Pilot Phase 1 (MAY-DEC) No BL or PL only GTM Integration Phase 2 (SEP-MAR 2015) 1 BUC + n SUC, Basic GUI Phase 3 nn BUC + nn SUC Basic GUI Phase 4 nnn BUC + nnn SUC Int. GUI Phase 5 nnnn BUC + nnnn SUC Enhanced GUI

EESSI is moving forward Key takeaways EESSI is moving forward Technological stack is loosely coupled and composed of changeable building blocks EESSI is committed to contribute to e-SENS EESSI is committed to integrate e-SENS building blocks as they become available.

Thank you for your attention !