AISHA SALEM BUS:- 22 Anna and the king Culture analysis
Power Distance ➢ For the movie When Anna arrive to (Bangkok) with her son Louis.They set in cart and she describe to her son about Siam king, And she said the king is treated like GOD no body can see him or talked to him. ➢ Explain In Siam it's not allowed to see the king or even talk to him. People believe the king is like GOD no body can see him. So, In this situation Thailand have high power distance and have a large gabs in authority and respect. Thailand : 64 England: 35
Power Distance ➢ For the movie ● When Anna teach the maids who are working in the place. Every time the maids see the king coming,they directly greeting the king. Anna said to the king” your majesty we can't have served Bow down every time someone walks in the banquet“ ➢ Explain ● In Siam, people when they see the king they directly greeting the king and it show more respect. So, in this situation Thailand have high power distance and large of respect. Thailand : 64 England: 35
Individualism and Collectivism ➢ For the Movie ● When the Prime Minister asks Anna some “personal questions“. Anna didn't feel comfortable and respected to ask personal questions but,The Prime Minister thinks it is polite to ask some personal questions. ➢ Explain ● Cites of Siam when hosting any one, they start to ask a personal question about The person because they want to know every thing about his life so,In this situation Thailand have higher collectivism they want to known about the person who come to their country or working with them. Thailand : 20 England: 89
Masculinity ➢ For the movie ● The Prime Minister and the men who translate in the place they call Anna Sir. Anna ask the men “ why you call me Sir “ the men answer “ women can't stand In presence of His Excellency ➢ Explain ● In Siam, the women dose not have place in society they don't respect the women. There are differences between man and women in Siam.So, In this situation Thailand have Higher masculinity there are distinction between man and women. Thailand : 34 England: 66
High context and low context ➢ For the movie ● When judge request to punish (Tpettm), Anna feel worry about her and she directly request to see the king. The king do not want make along discussion with Anna about the (Tpettm) and dose not want any body to interventions. ➢ Explain ● In this situation is high context they concerned about losing their face in Thailand. The kings do not want any body to interventions about his decisions because he like to do his own decisions.
APA Reference ● item intentional. (2015, October 17). Retrieved October 15, 2015, from greert hofstede : ● YouTube. (2015, October 17). Retrieved October 15, 2015, from YouTube: