Scic The community-interest Co-operatives in France Pierre-François VAQUIE Manager of National Federation of Cuma Member of inter-networks SCIC
Frame of the presentation 1.General presentation of the SCIC 2.Two examples of SCIC 3.The support of the SCIC development - by the cooperatives’ federations - by public policies
> To get legal status for companies serving the community facilitate link between economical development and social activities > To concretize the co-operation in “multi-stakeholders” break the wall between sectors of activity, facilitate collaboration between community stakeholders Why having created SCIC in France ? 3
Italie (since 1991) Belgium (1995) Portugal (1996) Quebec (1997) Japan (health sector) (1947) UK (2005) Valencia and Euskadi Catalonia Scandinavia Some similar types of cooperatives around the world 4
> Company LTD (or private limited liability company) or Plc (public limitate company) registered > Cooperative Democratic governance ("1 member = 1 vote") Allocation of surplus : mainly to reserves that can’t be shared out (57,5 % minimum) > Community interest Multistakeholder – community dynamic – desinterested management > Compulsory multistakeholder Workers + Beneficiaries + Others Why are Scic distinctive? 5
A scic must gather > At least one employee of the cooperative > At least one of the usual users and people who, in any case, benefit from the co-operative activities > At least one representative of any person or entity, of private or public law, which intends to contribute directly, by his work or a by a contribution of any kind (economical or other) to the development of the co-operative. Local public authorities can be involved > As an associate : local authorities can take 20% max of the capital > As for any other company : subsidies, buildings or human resources made available, participation to a public procurement offer, public service delegation, convention,… Multistakeholder reflects community interest 6
Scic trade, but also share equally and reinvest their profit 7 SURPLUS’ ALLOCATION RULES : > 57,5 % min. of the profit allocated to reserves that can’t be shared > No dividend given to members > Limited return on paid-out capital > No possibility to incorporate part of the reserves to the capital > When an associates leaves the cooperative at the end of his period of involvement, the Scic pays back his shares at their nominal value > In case of dissolution, the reserves must be transferred to another cooperative
A growing number of community-interest- cooperatives in France Around 300 Scic in France 13,6 workers in average per Scic Turn-over : € in average 8
Scic are rooted in a territory… 9 Environment Agriculture and Food Consultancy – development of companies, territories Culture Community services Habitat Health, social Shops, lodging, restaurant Computer services Other activities
… with many stakeholders 10
Paris + Mayenne SCIC Haute-Mayenne wood-energy
4 colleges (subgroups) in General Assembly 1 orientation committee 1 manager Activities and functioning of the Scic Haute Mayenne Wood-Energy 1/ Purchasing of wood 2/ Storage of the planks 3/ Sale to its consumers 5 categories : - Wood suppliers - Workers - Users - Local authorities - Technical associates Governance Membership
One General Assembly 1 Board of directors 3 joint-managers Activities and functioning of the Scic Alter Conso 1/ Purchasing of agricultural products (vegetables, fruits, wine,…) 2/ Packing in crates and selling 4 categories : - Workers (8) - Farmers (40) - Consumers (700) - Associations Governance Membership
Scic are efficient organizations to : - Develop sustainable projects - Encourage community-based projects with support of local authorities - Associate different kind of stakeholders (producers, consumers,…)
SCOP’s Unions (employees’ cooperatives) The support of the Scic development : a network of cooperative federations 16 Cuma’s federations (Machinery farm cooperatives) « INTER-NETWORKS SCIC » SCIC
Some current changes for the Scic’ legal framework : New law on Social Economy in progress No more ceiling to the participation of local authorities into the capital of the Scic Extension of the “employee” category to producers (possibility to develop Scic without any employee) Support of the SCIC development : Public policies – the legal frame