Odyssey Tutorial
First Step To use Odyssey the Server Enabled box must be checked. Odyssey should be left open (it can be minimized) to be available for incoming documents.
Sending Scan the Document Scan the entire document – Always include the ILL request as the first page. Edit the document to crop black edges (if editing software is available). This editing can be done in Odyssey, but will probably be faster using a commercial program)
Address Book If the requestor is not in the Address Book enter it:
Address Book 2 In the bottom section enter the following fields: Symbol Odyssey Address Library Name Address {
Prepare for Sending Click on Send Document
Filling in the Form OCLC symbol in Borrower box If the borrower is in the address book the IP will display. Fill in the OCLC ILL number in the ILL slot. The scanning of the ILL request at the first page is all of the information needed about the item.
Importing Image From the top menu click on Import Image Locate the file of the scanned document and open it. It will load into the Narrow Dark Gray Screen The selected page will be loaded into the screen on the far right.
Editing in Odyssey If you were not able to edit the document in another editing program it can be done in Odyssey From the list select Best Fit to fit the document into the right side frame or you can Zoom in and Out. Click on Crop and use the crop tool to remove any dark edges Rotate the page if needed This process can be time consuming!
Send the Document Click Send
Verifying Send From the Main Page The message Sending will be displayed After a minute or so Click on the Refresh Icon If the document was sent the Sending message will change to Sent.
Failed Documents There can be many reasons why a document will fail. –If the receiving Library does not have the port open –If the receiving Library has Odyssey shut down –If the receiving Library is having server or computer problems
Failed Documents 2 To Resend: Go to the Sending Failed Tab And locate the document Double Click on the Slot The document will reload Readdress with the Borrower Symbol and Send
Update OCLC Once the document has been sent Go into OCLC and update the record to Shipped. The document you have scanned can now be deleted from your computer.
Receiving To prepare to receive a document go to Maintenance and select Automatic Convert to PDF from the dropdown menu. Once this is set it will not change.
Receiving When a document has been received the message Converted will appear on the Main Screen.
Sending the document to the Patron The document will be in the Odyssey Completed folder on your C drive. Address an to the patron and attach the.pdf document to it Go into OCLC and Complete the request.