CAASPP Administration Training 2014 SBAC Field Testing and CST Testing Assessment, Accountability and Educational Technology
AB 484 Impact on Student Testing Signed into Law on October 2, 2013 The provisions of AB 484 take effect on January 1, 2014 Establishes the creation of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) assessment system to replace Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program There will be a transition period between outgoing STAR and the full implementation of CAASPP assessment systems in which many CST tests will be discontinued Students in grades 3-8 and 11 and a few grade 9 and 10 students will participate in Field Testing without receiving test results 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training2
Suspension of State Assessments Mathematics English Language Arts Science History Social- Science SuspendedCSTs/CMA Grade 2 to 7 Algebra (EOC) Geometry (EOC) CSTs General Math (EOC) CSTs/CMA Grade 2 to 10 Writing Grade 4 Writing Grade 7 CSTs Biology (EOC) Physics (EOC) Chemistry (EOC) CSTs Social Science Grade 8 World History U.S. History Not SuspendedCAHSEE Grade 10, 11,12 CAPA Grade 2 to 11 CAHSEE Grade 10, 11,12 CAPA Grade 2 to 11 CSTs/CMA Grade 5 Grade 8 Life Science (Grade 10) N/A EAPCSTs Algebra II (EOC) Summative Math (EOC) CSTs Grade 11 N/A 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training3 CAHSEE, CAPA, PFT, and CELDT tests are unaffected by AB 484.
SBAC Field Testing 2014 Field testing window will be March 18- June 6. Students in grades 3-8, 11 and a small sampling of grades 9 and 10 will participate in ELA or Mathematics Field Testing Field testing will ensure that assessment items produce results that are valid, reliable, and fair and will allow an evaluation of the test delivery system Students will gain hands-on experience with newly designed assessment system and assessment items. Teachers and administrators will gain valuable experience with administration logistics No individual or school results will be reported from the Field Test 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training4
New Affidavit – Understand It – Sign It 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training5
SBCUSD Common Core Technology Initiative Provide for integrated technology in daily Common Core instruction Fill the gaps in student technology to provide a 2 to 1 ratio for grades 3-8 and 11 Shift of current site SBAC ready devices at each school into these grade levels Focus on integrating technology into daily Common Core instruction and utilizing the same student devices for CAASPP testing 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training7
Board Action and Student Devices On Tuesday, January 14, the Board of Education approved the lease agreement for Dell devices. The Board also approved the lease agreement for the Apple devices with the condition that the Air purchase orders not be issued until the iPad Air receives full certification for the use of the secure browser through Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training8 Plan B - Contingency for 2014 Field Testing
Plan B - Contingency Dell laptops, Mac laptops, needed teacher devices, keyboards etc… for existing equipment are ordered and delivery is anticipated in time for testing Sites will use this equipment and existing SBAC ready equipment to create site testing environments Sites without adequate current student devices will be covered by a contingency plan 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training9
How does my site get ready? Sites set up as many testing environments as they can with all SBAC ready devices by February 28, 2014 Download and install the secure browsers and have students take the practice test in established site testing environments Rotate students through testing environments by class to see how the site testing system works Report back to IT any equipment or connectivity issues Refine site testing schedules to define needed student rotations through established testing environments, due by March 3, SBCUSD CAASPP Training10
Test Site Coordinator’s Role in Field Testing Preparation Facilitate the gathering of SBAC-ready equipment into site testing environments Test environments by setting-up equipment structures, downloading the needed secure browsers and having students take the practice test through the secure browser within the testing environment Strategically schedule students for Field Testing to maximize the use of site testing environments Communicate specific equipment and connectivity issues with Information Technology Train test administrators and proctors on CAASPP testing protocols Monitor administration of SBAC Field Testing 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training11
General SBAC Field Test Protocol Students will be loaded into SBAC system by the CDE Site administrators and Test Site Coordinators will receive TIDE log-in once your account has been created Test Site Coordinator will create Test Administrator accounts Test Site Coordinator inputs Usability & Accessibility modifications for individual students in TIDE Students will need individual log-in information provided by the Test Site Coordinator Test Administrator logs-in to TA Interface to create and facilitate the testing session (session ID) Students can finalize log-in Test administrator approves students to begin the test Information will be updated as the testing manuals are posted by CDE 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training13
Secure Browser Link to download and install the secure browser: Link to the Quick Reference Guides: SBCUSD CAASPP Training14
Practice Test Layout Smarter Balanced Practice Test Workshop | 15
Scheduling Field Testing Schedule students for approximately 4 hours of time in a technology testing environment Students will take an ELA and Mathematics section and a performance task section (includes classroom activity) Students may have breaks between completed sections Make sure to include time for administration directions, log-on and session registration 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training16
Samples of Schedules 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training17
SBAC Field Testing Staff Training This is a secure test – only authorized staff in testing rooms Test examiners and proctors must be trained and sign the security affidavit Test administrators must: Set up appropriate room environment Read test administration directions completely Actively monitor students Ensure that NO unauthorized Electronic Devices are in the testing environment – collect prior to testing, this includes adults Read and communicate testing guidelines to staff within the SBAC Field Test Administration Manual once they are available 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training18
SBAC Testing Administration Resources Link to California Specific Field Test Manuals: Link to the Usability, Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines content/uploads/2013/09/SmarterBalanced_Guidelines_ pdf Link to the Perfomance Task “Released Items” and scoring guides SBCUSD CAASPP Training19
Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines Three types of student support Universal Tools Available to all students. Examples include spell-check, highlighter, embedded ruler, strikethrough, and English Dictionary Designated Supports Available to identified students, including English learners, struggling readers, and students with attention deficits. Examples include color-contrast text, the blocking of distracting content, stacked translations, and bilingual dictionary. Accommodations Available to students with an individualized education program or a 504 plan that specifies the need for such an accommodation. Examples include closed captioning, Braille, calculator, and scribe SBCUSD CAASPP Training20
CAASPP Program Multiple-Choice Tests CSTs Science grades 5, 8 and 10 All students take CSTs unless taking CMA or CAPA EAP – Grade 11 ELA Algebra II EOC or Summative High School Math CMA Science grades 5, 8 and 10 Must have IEP and meet eligibility criteria CAPA Grades 2-11 Must be indicated in IEP 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training21
EAP All grade 11 students will participate in the ELA assessment (EAP) Grade 11 students eligible for the Algebra II or Summative High School Math will participate in the Math EAP assessment Students must bubble to authorize the release of results to the California Community Colleges and the CSU system Students will receive a score report with the EAP readiness levels for tests taken 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training22
CAASPP Resource Links SBCUSD Test Site Coordinator Resources ETS Resources: Test Site Coordinator Manual: (not posted yet) Training videos: Directions for Administration (DFA) New CAASPP Support Site SBCUSD CAASPP Training23
Site CAASPP Staff Training Schools can choose to use the videos as a training tool Opportunities for test examiners and proctors to review the Directions For Administration (DFA) must be provided Understand and sign the CAASPP security affidavit Stress that NO unauthorized electronic devices may be in the rooms during testing, this includes adults SBCUSD protocol directs test examiners to collect devices prior to testing Ensure test security Encourage test examiners and proctors to actively monitor students Ensure adherence to test procedures outlined in the DFA 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training24
CAASPP Test Delivery Schedule District delivers to test sites 5–10 days before 1st testing day Notify Assessment and Accountability within 24 hours – FAX materials receipt to or scan and to For additional materials Site distributes to examiners CST & CMA day of test only May deliver non-secure DFAs earlier CAPA at least 5 days before testing (as soon as possible) 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training25 Inventory
CAPA 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training26
After Testing: Complete Back of Answer Document Refer to the Test Site Coordinator Manual for details A1 DO NOT complete without CDE notification A2 Special Conditions A3 Accommodations and Modifications Part a: mark “IEP” and/or “Section 504 plan” to indicate which program/plan student has, WHETHER USED ACCOMMODATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS OR NOT. Note: IEP is required to take CMA, CAPA. Part b, mark codes for all accommodations student used as specified in IEP and/or 504 plan. A4 English Learner Test Variations For each test, what was actually used 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training27
What to Return All students enrolled on the first day of testing must return an answer document Science, grades 5, 8, and 10 CAPA, grades 2-11 EAP, grade 11 Must return all CAPA Examiner’s Manuals with nonscorables Must return all, complete test booklets. If only cover or part returned, considered security breach Refer to the Test Site Coordinator Manual for pack up instructions 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training28
Turn in to Assessment and Accountability At the end of each testing administration turn in copies of: Master File sheet SGID sheets Inventory Control forms Parent Exemption Letters Incident/Irregularity Reports (if applicable) Any security affidavits not previously submitted 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training29 KEEP A COPY OF EVERYTHING FOR YOUR SITE!
Parent/Guardian Exemptions Parent may work with site principal to submit written request to exempt child from all or any part of the CAASPP testing Exemption cannot be elicited Students whose parent/guardian have requested testing exemptions should NOT be given test booklets or answer documents Booklets must be marked as “exempted” and submitted with scorables Exempted student “accidentally” marks any answers – must be scored 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training30
Incidents and Irregularities What constitutes an Incident or Irregularity will be adapting as we move into computer testing. Report the situation to us as soon as after it takes place as possible – CALL US! Complete the form within 24 hours and scan/ or fax it to us. The burden for investigation is not the school’s responsibility – the District testing team and/or Employee Relations will handle this 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training31
Common Testing Incidents/Irregularities Events related to test security, including electronic device use – SBCUSD protocol is to collect the devices prior to testing and not return until after testing session is completed. Includes all adults in the testing rooms Teachers not following the testing protocols – Timing Reading the DFA Coaching Students not allowed to finish Answer doc to wrong student Wrong test administered (CST/CMA) 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training32
Scratch Paper Considered Secure Materials ELA 3-8, 11– lined or blank paper Math Grades 3-5 – lined, blank or graph paper Grade 6-8, 11– must use graph paper Science Grades 5, 8 and 10 – lined or blank paper EAP ELA – No scratch paper Math – lined, blank or graph paper 2014 SBCUSD CAASPP Training33
For more information: Contact Assessment and Accountability – Additional online resources: SBCUSD CAASPP Training 34