Integrating the New Technology TEKs Linda Erwin ACISD Media Fair 2011
Agenda Highlights Look at and compare the strands Integrating into the classroom Resources and hands-on practice
Highlights Implement in Strands versus 4 19 High School Courses versus 8 Based on NETSS & ISTE standards
NETSS and ISTE standards National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS S) International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
Current Four Strands Foundations Information acquisition Solving problems Communication
New Six Strands Creativity & Innovation Digital Citizenship Problem Solving & Decision Making Communications & Collaboration Research & Information Fluency Technology Operations & Concepts
New Six Strands Creativity & Innovation Communications & Collaboration The student uses creative thinking and innovative processes to construct knowledge and develop digital products. The student collaborates and communicates both locally and globally using digital tools and resources to reinforce and promote learning.
New Six Strands Problem Solving & Decision Making Research & Information Fluency The student acquires and evaluates digital content: use search strategies to access information to guide inquiry; use research skills to build a knowledge base regarding a topic, task, or assignment; and evaluate the usefulness of acquired digital content. The student applies critical-thinking skills to solve problems, guide research, and evaluate projects using digital tools and resources.
New Six Strands Digital Citizenship Technology Operations & Concepts The student practices safe, responsible, legal, and ethical behavior while using digital tools and resources. The student demonstrates knowledge and appropriate use of technology systems, concepts, and operations.
Compare K Foundations save and delete files, uses menu options and commands, and work with more than one software application (1B, 1F) IRRMMM 6. Technology operations and concepts perform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files; use a variety of input, output, and storage devices; (6C, 6D) IRRMMMMMM
Across the Grades 6. Technology operations and concepts. K (B) use appropriate digital tools and resources for storage, access, file management, and collaboration (B) manipulate files using appropriate naming conventions; file management, including folder structures and tagging; and file conversions (G) demonstrate effective file management strategies such as file naming conventions, location, backup, hierarchy, folder structure, file conversion, tags, labels, and emerging digital organizational strategies
The BIG Questions
How does this fit into my instruction?
Where do I find the time?
and… How will this work with CSCOPE?
Let’s look at an example to get an idea
CSCOPE Gr 4 Unit 05: Texas Revolution (10-11) Subject: Social Studies Six Week Cycle: 3rd Six Weeks
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Create a banner that symbolizes the fight for independence. Then write a one page summary that includes three reasons for the necessary changes in government and how these changes influenced the need for independence.(4.2E; 4.16A, 4.16B)
Product Individually (or, if desired, in pairs or small groups), students work to summarize what they have learned about the fight for Texas independence in a visual manner by creating a banner. They then decide on three reasons change was needed and how those changes influenced the need for independence.
Product Banner MATERIALS: construction paper or butcher paper markers/map pencils Glue, scissors Create images, symbols in Paint or KidPix
Prior Knowledge Paint or KidPix Schedule Lab Time or rotation on classroom computers
Prior Knowledge Students learn how to use Paint and KidPix in Pre K and Kindergarten
Product Page Summary MATERIALS: Paper, pencil, pen, eraser Word processing Photo Story Animoto Prezi or PowerPoint Voice Thread
Prior Knowledge Prior Knowledge of or teach one program: Word processing Photo Story Animoto Prezi or PowerPoint Voice Thread Schedule Lab Time or time on classroom computers
Prior Knowledge Students learn basic Word Processing and Photo Story in Kindergarten
Integrating Technology Keep it simple Start by introducing/teaching one program every six weeks End of Year… …Know 6 programs
Integrating Technology Who are your campus go to people? Technology Teacher Library Media Specialist Teachers District – Kim Lawing
Integrating Technology Assess your students’ level of technology knowledge and experience at the beginning of school Vertically align technology
Assessment But always ask…. Where’s the beef?
CSCOPE Assessment
Extension 4th Grade Skype with 7 th Grade to collaborate and share information Kindergarten students Zorap with RF Middle School students
Integrated Six Strands Creativity & Innovation Digital Citizenship Problem Solving & Decision Making Communications & Collaboration Research & Information Fluency Technology Operations & Concepts
Student Centered 21 st Century Student
Hands-on Go online Go to ACISD Library Central, then Little Bay Click on link TEA Proposed Technology Application Changes Locate one Strand and one TEK for your grade level Write down one idea on how you would integrate it into your lesson