1 1 Patented QR code solutions James Wu We Simplify Security
2 2 Non-repudiable PKI QR code NFC HCE like Tokenization compact QR code Patented Secure O2O Technology Online & Offline Authentication Date:2016/01/19 Time:10:00 Amount: US$25 Owner : jrsys GPS: , One Time Code RSA 2048 Digital Signature
3 3 Secure QR code Date:2016/01/19 Time:11:50 Amount:$27,950 One Time Code RSA 2048 Digital Signature QR TraceQR LoginQR VPN QR BuyQR Bank
4 4 4 QR Trace Certificate of Origin
5 5 Product Traceability QR Code Digital Signed Certificate of Origin QR code Manufacturer, Date, Time, Location, Expire Date
6 6 Digital Signed QR code Producer put digital signed QR code label on the product The content of the QR code contains product name, production date, expiration date, manufacturing location, quantity and the digital signature of the manufactor. Consumers can easily verify the original of the product Date:2016/01/19 Time:10:00 Amount: US$25 Owner : jrsys GPS: , One Time Code RSA 2048 Digital Signature
7 7 Local medium and small wholesalers must scan the encrypted QR code that outside the box to confirm the goods have been received Consumer can scan the digital signed QR code to get the product name, production date, expiry date, place of manufacture, production records and other data, so that consumers can the original of the product Digital Signed QR code It is much more secure If QR code combine with RFID tag
8 8 ID Security QR LoginQR VPN
9 9 Mobile QR Login Scan the QR code and decrypt to get OTP code Strong Authentication QR code Dual Channels Two Factors Out-Of-Band authentication
11 Mobile Money
12 Mobile Payments BIO Authentication HCE Android Pay HCE Like RSA 2048 QR code with NFC Apple Pay Offline Payment Online/Offline Payment Face Fingerprint
13 Everyone uses “Card Not Present Transaction” Big Risk of Online Shopping Trojan, Sniffer, Phishing site e-Commerce site compromised But, You may lose Card Number + Expiration Date + CVV
14 On-Line Payment Scan QR and input PIN with face recognition to confirm the payment Consumer Create a non-repudiable Checkout QR code on the screen Merchant No Phishing! No Credit card information is transmitted Card Number + Expiration Date + CVVCVV No more Just Scan jrsys Secure QR Code Date:2015/06/08 Time:11:50 Amount: US$25 OTP Merchant’s Digital Signature
15 TV Shopping Consumer Credit card number is not required ! Safe ! TV only display the secure transaction QR code
16 How We Do It
17 Date:2015/06/08 Time:11:50 Amount: US$25 OTP Merchant’s Digital Signature How We Do It
18 How We Do It PKI + Face Recognition
19 How We Do It Order is confirmed!
20 How We Do It Handwritten signature Before Card can be cloned Consumer signs a non-repudiable credit card check & Merchant scan it Secure and Faster than Magnetic Credit Card Swipe Payment Date:2015/6/8 Time:11:50 Amount: US$25 OTP Consumer’s RSA2048 Digital Signature
21 ATM PKI QR code
22 Online Banking PC/Notebook
23 About jrsys
24 Mobile & Cloud security solution provider Security As A Service Platform Mobile Security QR One Time Password / Digital Signature Secure PDF document/ ICAO KMS, BIO Authentication iOS Token Mobile Payment IoT Security Secure iOS/PC flash token jrsys
25 Link Any 2 Any Securely Mobile Trust Service Cloud Social Network Document Big Data IOT &M2M
ASIA PKI Innovation Award 2012 Mobile Money Innovation Award APICTA Award 2013 Security Winner One of the 7 innovative ideas to provide greater access to financial services from 98 best ideas of 26 countries BY: MIF, IDB, CAF and GSMA 2014 and 2015 Taiwan ITM Best 100 products Winner Award Worldwide Awards
27 Global Partner 415 Millions PDF users use jrsys Security Suite
28 jrsys Secure your Mobile Life !