Presented By Shrikant Ravindra Kamble MCA 3 rd year
Introduction : This website provide the information about the society and provide one unique id to flat owners for security purpose and other members user id and password. In this website admin facility provide, admin can edit or changes of user accounts. Online invitations, online news
Purpose : This system is reduces the paper work. Relative Owner can easily get the address of flat owners. This is online system so that system is connected to overall society networks. This system is reduced the telephone cost. Administrator easily provide
Scope : This website provide information about the our Society The flat owner can easily communicate to the other flat owners through the . Owner registration and administration registration also include in website. Flat owner can send the free invitations to the our relatives. Online society news are also in the website.
Abbreviations : SHC - Society Health Club. OSMS - Online Society Management System. EB - Electricity Bill WB - Water Bill. SHT - Society Heath Tips. DSN - Daily Society News. Admin – Administrator. Dept - Department - Electronic mail. Userid - User identification
Proposed System : The main purpose of making this online web application is to provide the information, news about the society This system has been developed to store and maintain the records of each Household related to their health. This system is provides the searching of address flat owner relatives. This online web application reduced the paper work, telephone cost & manual working. Continue…..
This is accomplished by the following objectives: Admin module:- Administrator will create the user/operator and provide him/her the userid and the password. Administrator can change the password of the user. Administrator will have the facility to generate and view reports. He can upload the news related society. Continue…..
User module:- User enters the system with a valid userid and password. User can easily communicate the Admin, others flat owners throws . He will have the facility to update the records. Operator can also view the existing records.
Problem Statement: The problem of It is a standalone systems, manual work. only for that particular society Affects More time expenses The impact of which Is Limited access only not Globally A successful solution Would Online society management. This web application work globally.
Product Position Statement : ForFlat owners Who Provide online management of Society The (product name) Online Society management System That Save Time and create accuracy Unlike The existing manual system, Applications base systems Our productWeb based
Product Overview : This website provides the whole information when the flat owner is login. Administrator login User login. Flat owner login Online news updating through Admin. Online invitations
Summary of Capabilities: Customer BenefitSupporting Features Easily get the address and information Relative of owners can easily get the address and information about the owners online newsFlat owners get the online news about society. Online communicationFlat owners can easily communicate the other flat owners. Customer Support System
Functional requirement: Online registration. Admin Login. Online login. Editing facility. Online getting information.
Objectives: Easily get the address which we want to. Reduce the paper work. Connect to the all over the society network. Reduce the telephone cost. Save the time. Save the cost.
Precedence & Priority : Administrator creates new user by filling the details form and provide userid and password to the user. The user will login to the system with the userid and password. Then user will make the data entry of the information provided by the people according to specific questionnaires. This data is centrally stored in database onto the server. Then administrator will generate reports online. Proper logout facility is provided.
Stakeholder Summary : NameRepresentsRole Administrator handled the all website Administrator have all authority Such as update, delete, edit etc. Update daily news. Flat owner Flat owner can get the all information about the our Society Online registrations, getting the news about the our society.
User Summary: NameDescriptionStakeholder Administrator Flat owner The administrator creates the user profile and provides secure userid and password and edit it. Registration on website Administrator, Head of the dept. user
Hardware Considerations: Hardware Requirement Server side Processor : Pentium IV Hard Disk :80GB RAM :2GB Monitor : SVGA Color Monitor Other Hardware : Keyboard, Mouse, Ether Net card Client side Processor : Pentium IV Hard Disk : 40GB RAM : 1GB Monitor : SVGA Color Monitor Other Hardware : Keyboard, Mouse, Ether Net card
System requirements : Software Requirement Server side Operating System : Window 98, XP, Vista, Linux Data Base : MySql Technology : ASP.NET Browser : Internet explorer 7.0 onward /Mozilla Firefox / Opera Web Server : IIS server Development kit : Adobe Dreamviewer8.0, Adobe Photoshop Client side Operating System : Window 98, XP, Vista, Linux Browser : Internet explorer 8.0 onwards Mozilla Firefox,Opera.
Security Issues: Provide the username and password to flat owners. One 6 digit unique key is generate when flat owner is successfully register on the website. That unique key is identity of the all over use in the flat owner.