Christin Pfeiffer APRE - Agency for the Promotion of European Reserach Rome/Italy Beijing University, 23rd of June 2011 The PEOPLE PROGRAMME Fellowship opportunities - MARIE CURIE ACTIONS
Top-class researchers from Third Countries are welcome to work on projects in Europe!! Chinese researchers get funding to come to Europe!! This helps to develop research cooperation between Europe and China Those measures are called International Incoming Fellowships (IIFs) – a MARIE CURIE ACTION specially designed to encourage moves to Europe
The PEOPLE Programme has the aim to: Encourage transnational/intersectoral mobility of researchers Attract researchers to Europe and/or retain them Reinforce the international dimension: open to researchers from outside Europe Cross-cutting actions, they cover any scientific field: “bottom-up approach” No age limit for researchers !!!!!
MOBILITY RULE is an eligibility criterion: the experienced researcher must not have worked or lived in the hosting country for more than 12 months in the past/last 3 years
Who can apply? Researchers moving from China to EU Member States or Associated Countries are eligible for IIF. To apply you must have: -A PHD degree -Or at least 4 years’ full-time research experience, after obtaining a degree permitting you to embark on a doctorate The more experience you have, the easier it is!!
Your application should be made in liaison with the organization or institution that would be willing to host you in Europe. Host organizations are: -Universities -Public/private research organizations (Research Centers) -Industry/Companies -International Organizations -Non-profit or charitable organizations (NGOs, trusts, etc.) -Joint Research Centers
Which topics can be funded? All areas of scientific and technological research that are of interest to the EU may be eligible for IIF. Bottom up approach!! *The only exception is the EURATOM Treaty. The evaluation panel: 1.Chemistry CHE 2.Social and Human Sciences SOC 3.Economic Sciences ECO 4.Information science and Engineering ENG 5.Environment and geosciences ENV 6.Life sciences LIF 7.Mathematics MAT 8.Physics PHY 9.Career Restart (CAR)
What does the funding cover: -Funding is provided for a reserach project which will transfer knowledge into your host organization or enhance collaborations between Europe and the rest of the world. -Based on EC allowances (competitive flat rates): ( salary + management/overheads + research costs) -The reserach project will also allow you to advance your career. -Financial support is provided for months
Funding allows you to: Join a European reserach team that does not have your experience or expertise Establish a collaboration through a research project with your lab or your country Gain new knowledge in a European lab
IIF may also cover a RETURN PHASE of one year. This will be spent back in your country of origin, applying the experience that you have gained. (A flat rate is given by the European Commission) If you want a return phase you must include details of it in your initial application. You must also specify the potential return host organization in your country of origin * A return phase is possible only for ICPC Countries
Any nationals working/living in MS/AS moving to another MS/AS 12 to 24 months (full-time) period Mobility requirement at the deadline of the call (definition) Experienced researchers To reinforce the international dimension of the career of European researchers To support the career development of experienced researchers at different stages of their careers months period in a TC plus 12 months of compulsory return phase in MS/AC For Nationals of MS/AC BUT ALSO Third Country researchers living in EU more than 5 years (call 2011) Mobility requirement at the deadline of the call To reinforce the scientific excellence of MS/AS with incoming to Europe top-class researchers from TC months period in MS/AC Third country nationals coming from outside Europe Possible return phase to country of origin (12 months) Mobility requirement at the deadline of the call
CHINA’s PERFORMANCE - Distribution of proposals evaluated and recommended for funding by host country (Outgoing TC)
*only applicant nationalities with more than 4 received proposals are shown Applicant nationality* Host Country Marie Curie IEF 2010 Proposals retained for funding: mobility pattern
Applicant nationality Host Country Marie Curie IIF 2010 Proposals retained for funding: mobility pattern
Individual actions PubblicationDeadline IEF; IOF; IIF 16 March August 2011 TIMETABLE CALLS FOR PROPOSALS
EPSS (Electronic Proposal Submission System) -Send all the project documentation through EPSS (Electronic Proposal Submission System) -To be received in Bruxelles by the given deadline -Once received, the EC will assign a project number
PeopleNetwork: European network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for the PEOPLE specific programme. HELP!! The PeopleNetwork provides information and assistance services on all Marie Curie Actions Contact us: The contact details of NCPs in each EU country can be found here :
GGeneral information about the People Programme IInformation on relevant events & workshops IInformation on People Calls
EU-Fellowship-Information: EU research: Information on research programmes and projects:
Thanks you for yor attention!!! Xié xié!!! Christin Pfeiffer APRE – Agency for the Promotion of European Research – Rome/Italy