Director:Mrs SCN Mdakane Office Location:111 Amajuba Building Contact Details: Tel: Fax: Mobile: (Work Only) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES d b
Disaster Management Municipal Health Services / Environmental Health Social Development FUNCTIONS, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT
DISASTER MANAGEMENT Integrated Institutional Capacity for Disaster Risks Disaster Risk Assessment Disaster Risk Reduction Disaster Response & Recovery Information Management & Communication Education, Training, Public Awareness & Research Funding Arrangements for Disaster Risk Management
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Sports and Recreation Arts, Culture and Heritage HIV and Aids Youth Development Senior Citizens, Gender, Children and Disability Programmes KwaMdakane Thusong Service Centre Amajuba Sports Complex (old Monte Vista Casino) Cemetery and Crematoria District Municipal Airport and Airlines Regulate Public Passenger Transport
Municipal Health Services is the assessment, correction, control and prevention of factors in the environment that can adversely affect human health. It is concerned amongst other things with the investigation of outbreak of diseases and monitoring of factors in the environment affecting health. Health Promotion is an integral part of MHS as it has an important role to play in mitigating preventable diseases through improvements in managing the environment. Section 32 of the National Health Act, 2003 (Act 61 of 2003) defines Municipal Health Services in terms of nine key components: MUNICIPAL HEALTH SERVICES (MHS) Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) are uniquely charged with the execution of MHS using various legal prescripts among which are the following: Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act 56 of 1974) National Health Act, 2003 (Act 61 of 2003) Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectant Act, 1972 (Act 54 of 1972) Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act 51 of 1977) Municipal by-laws
1. Water Quality Monitoring This function is concerned with ensuring provision of hygienically safe and adequate supply of potable water by responding to complaints on contaminants/impurities; water sampling; mapping of water sources and conducting awareness and education campaigns. 2. Food Control This component concerns matters relating to safety during production, storage, transportation, processing, retailing of food intended for human consumption including food handling and processing in establishments. 3. Waste Management This relates to matters of handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of industrial and domestic solid waste, including health care risk waste, hazardous waste and effluents. 4. Health Surveillance of Premises This concerns identification and monitoring of health risks, nuisances and hazards and instituting remedial actions. It also includes scrutinizing building plans for their structural compliance.
5. Environmental Pollution Control This relates to matters of prevention of water, air, soil and noise pollution including radiation hazard control. 6. Surveillance and Prevention of Communicable Diseases This is concerned with the surveillance of communicable diseases, conducting investigations aimed at prevention of disease outbreaks in communities. 7. Vector Control This component involves routine surveillance, identification and eradication of vector breeding areas. 8. Disposal of the Dead This component is concerned with the control and inspection of funeral undertakers, embalmers, crematoria and mortuaries. It also includes regulation and control of graves, cemeteries, crematoria and management of exhumations. 9. Chemical Safety This component relates to matters of safe handling, use and disposal of chemicals. Also the identification and control of premises dealing with, manufacturing, transport and storage of chemicals.
Electrical and Network Upgrade for KwaMdakane Thusong Centre. Official Launch of a Community Library at KwaMdakane Thusong Centre. Upgrade of Osizweni Arts Centre. SALGA-KZN Games Resuscitation of Osizweni Cricket Oval. Establishment of a District Disaster Management Centre. Installation of District Lightening Conductors. Beef-up Disaster Response and Relief Material. Recruitment of Disaster Management Volunteers. Purchase of Disaster Management Fire Engines. Refurbishment and Upgrade of District Sports and Community Facilities. Implementation of planned Social Development Programmes in accordance to National, Provincial and District Policies and Guidelines. PROJECTS ON THE PIPE LINE