Ronald Wilson Reagan Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society Advisers: Mrs. Dove (Room 1422) and Mrs. PIETTE (Counseling Office)
What is the NJHS? The NJHS is an organization that recognizes and encourages academic achievement while also developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. These ideals of scholarship, character, service, citizenship, and leadership remain as relevant today as they were in 1929 when the NJHS was first created. The NJHS is an organization that recognizes and encourages academic achievement while also developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. These ideals of scholarship, character, service, citizenship, and leadership remain as relevant today as they were in 1929 when the NJHS was first created. The appointment of NJHS membership is a privilege, not a right, and therefore a rigorous, thorough, definable system of selection is in place. The appointment of NJHS membership is a privilege, not a right, and therefore a rigorous, thorough, definable system of selection is in place.
Scholarship You are here today because you have met the first requirement of scholarship: You are here today because you have met the first requirement of scholarship: 3.5 Grade Point Average (GPA) 3.5 Grade Point Average (GPA) Non-rounded Non-rounded Cumulative of Middle School achievement Cumulative of Middle School achievement Determined by Guidance using a PWC formula that is the same for all middle schools. Determined by Guidance using a PWC formula that is the same for all middle schools. If inducted, you will be expected to maintain this 3.5 GPA or risk dismissal from the society.
Student Activity Information Form (SAIF) You will provide information about the activities you are involved in at school and in the community during your middle school years. You will provide information about the activities you are involved in at school and in the community during your middle school years. Extra-Curricular Activities (clubs, sports, scouts, church etc.) Extra-Curricular Activities (clubs, sports, scouts, church etc.) Leadership Positions Leadership Positions Service Activities Service Activities
Student Activity Information Form (SAIF) You will provide information about your behavior during this school year. You will provide information about your behavior during this school year. Have you had any referrals to the office? Have you had any referrals to the office? Have you had any U ’ s (Unsatisfactory) in conduct on your report card? Have you had any U ’ s (Unsatisfactory) in conduct on your report card?
Teacher Rating Form You will select 2 teachers to rate you on a scale of You will select 2 teachers to rate you on a scale of 1=Below Average 2=Average 3=Above Average 4=Superior for the following qualities: Leadership Leadership Service Service Citizenship Citizenship Character Character
Leadership The student who exercises LEADERSHIP: Is resourceful in proposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions Is resourceful in proposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions Demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities Demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities Exercises positive influence on peers in upholding school ideals and spirit Exercises positive influence on peers in upholding school ideals and spirit Contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the school Contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the school
Leadership Continued The student who exercises LEADERSHIP: Is able to delegate responsibilities Is able to delegate responsibilities Exemplifies positive attitudes Exemplifies positive attitudes Inspires positive behaviors in others Inspires positive behaviors in others Demonstrates academic initiative Demonstrates academic initiative Successfully holds offices or positions of responsibility Successfully holds offices or positions of responsibility
Leadership Continued The student who exercises LEADERSHIP: Conducts business effectively and efficiently Conducts business effectively and efficiently Demonstrates reliability and dependability Demonstrates reliability and dependability Is a leader in the classroom, at work, or in other school or community activities Is a leader in the classroom, at work, or in other school or community activities Is dependable in any responsibility accepted Is dependable in any responsibility accepted
Service The student who SERVES: Volunteers and provides dependable and well- organized assistance, is gladly available, and is willing to sacrifice to offer assistance Volunteers and provides dependable and well- organized assistance, is gladly available, and is willing to sacrifice to offer assistance Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities Cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested services to the school Cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested services to the school
Service Continued The student who SERVES: Is willing to represent the class or school in interclass and interscholastic competition Is willing to represent the class or school in interclass and interscholastic competition Does committee and staff work without complaint Does committee and staff work without complaint Participates in some activity outside of school (e.g. Scouts, religious groups, volunteer services for the elderly, poor, or disadvantaged) Participates in some activity outside of school (e.g. Scouts, religious groups, volunteer services for the elderly, poor, or disadvantaged)
Service Continued The student who SERVES: Mentors persons in the community or students at other schools Mentors persons in the community or students at other schools Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students
Citizenship The student who demonstrates CITIZENSHIP: Understands the importance of civic involvement Understands the importance of civic involvement Has a high regard for freedom and justice Has a high regard for freedom and justice Respects the US form of government (representative democracy) Respects the US form of government (representative democracy) Respects the laws at the local, state, and federal level that protect the government Respects the laws at the local, state, and federal level that protect the government
Citizenship The student who demonstrates CITIZENSHIP: Demonstrates mature participation and responsibility through involvement with such activities as scouting, community organizations, and school clubs? (SAIF) Demonstrates mature participation and responsibility through involvement with such activities as scouting, community organizations, and school clubs? (SAIF)
Character The student of CHARACTER: Takes criticism willingly and accept recommendations graciously Takes criticism willingly and accept recommendations graciously Consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior (e.g. cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, and stability) Consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior (e.g. cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, and stability) Cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning property, programs, office, halls, etc. Cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning property, programs, office, halls, etc.
Character Continued The student of CHARACTER: Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability Regularly shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others Regularly shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others Observe instructions and rules, is punctual, and faithful both inside and outside the classroom Observe instructions and rules, is punctual, and faithful both inside and outside the classroom
Character Continued The student of CHARACTER: Manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and show unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others? Manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and show unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others? Actively helps rid the school of bad influences or environment? Actively helps rid the school of bad influences or environment?
Selection Time Line May 6 th --SAIF due to Mrs. Dove, Mrs. Piette or Front Office by 3:00pm May 6 th --SAIF due to Mrs. Dove, Mrs. Piette or Front Office by 3:00pm If these forms are not returned by this date the candidate will not be eligible to continue in the selection process. If these forms are not returned by this date the candidate will not be eligible to continue in the selection process. May 15th-NJHS Faculty Advisory Council Meets May 15th-NJHS Faculty Advisory Council Meets May 20th--NJHS Letters mailed May 20th--NJHS Letters mailed May 27th-NJHS Acceptance Letters and $10.00 dues are due to Mrs. Dove or the Front Office by 8:30am May 27th-NJHS Acceptance Letters and $10.00 dues are due to Mrs. Dove or the Front Office by 8:30am If this acceptance letter is not turned in by this date, the candidate will not participate in the Induction Ceremony. If this acceptance letter is not turned in by this date, the candidate will not participate in the Induction Ceremony.
Selection Time Line May 28th Mandatory Induction Ceremony Practice for all candidates during school Mandatory Induction Ceremony Practice for all candidates during school Mandatory Induction Ceremony Mandatory Induction Ceremony Dress up for school and the ceremony Dress up for school and the ceremony Induction Ceremony from 6:30-8:30pm in the Gym Induction Ceremony from 6:30-8:30pm in the Gym Must arrive by 5:50pm Must arrive by 5:50pm
Commitments Once Inducted Attend monthly general monthly meetings. Attend monthly general monthly meetings. Join a committee and meet as needed. Join a committee and meet as needed. Participate in any NJHS fundraising and service projects. Participate in any NJHS fundraising and service projects. Complete 20 hours of individual community service total. Complete 20 hours of individual community service total. Maintain 3.5 GPA. Maintain 3.5 GPA.
For 8 th Graders Only If you are inducted in the NJHS this May, you will only be a member until you move on to high school, and then you will be considered a graduate member of the NJHS. If you are inducted in the NJHS this May, you will only be a member until you move on to high school, and then you will be considered a graduate member of the NJHS. Admission in the NJHS does not guarantee membership in the NHS. Admission in the NJHS does not guarantee membership in the NHS. You will have to earn the qualifying GPA during your freshman and sophomore year to be invited to join the NHS for your junior year. You will have to earn the qualifying GPA during your freshman and sophomore year to be invited to join the NHS for your junior year.