Area of health that focuses on selecting foods containing nutrients, developing healthful eating habits. How food nourishes the body The process by which your body takes in and uses foods and nutrients The food you eat and drink affects your health and quality of life.
Helps manage weight Reduce risk of disease Develop healthy eating habits Energy Growth
6 types of nutrients Water Carbohydrates Fats Protein Vitamins Minerals
Water-helps the process of digestion, removes waste from the body, regulate body temp, cushions joints Carbs-provide energy to the body Fats-source of energy and make certain vitamins available to the body Protein-build, repair, and maintain body tissues Vitamins-help chemical reactions take place in the body Minerals-regulate many chemical reactions to the body
Contains Nutrients Fiber(more in whole grains) Helps reduce cholesterol, risk of heart disease, and risk of diabetes Helps keep bowel movements regular B Vitamins(added to refined grains) Helps with metabolism Helps keep nervous system healthy
Dark Green Broccoli, Spinach Starchy Corn, Potatoes, Peas Red/orange Tomatoes, Carrots, Pumpkin, Peppers Other Onions, Cauliflower, Asparagus,
High Nutrients Eat a variety Reduce Risk of Heart attack and Stroke
Contains Protien Building blocks for body including bones, muscle, blood, cartilage Contains Iron Helps carry oxygen in blood. Women are at a higher risk of iron deficiency
Eggs Beans Peas Nuts Nut butters Soy Products
Help our bodies get important vitamins minerals, and water. Potassium can help maintain a healthy blood pressure as well as our muscles function properly
CALCIUM!!! Bones Teeth
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