Traditional Medicine Vs Modern Medicine s Modern medicines are inorganic and they have chemicals as in contrast to traditional medicines. We believe that Traditional Medicine is better than Modern Medicine
The Herbal Treatment of Diseases Phytotherapy (Herbal medicine), the natural therapies, by contrast, aims not to ‘cure’ disease by a technological fix. The eminent French doctor J.C Lapaz maintains that 90% of both common and serious illnesses could be treated with phytotherapy.
Powerful ingredients. Only 15% of estimated plant species on earth have been investigated for possible Medicinal uses. The world Health organization estimates that 80% of the earth population today depends on plants to treat common ailments. Traditional Healers are good resources for scientific based research.
Wellness More than 95 % of the population in the least developing countries use herbs for health and other purposes. More than one third of Americans and Europeans use herbs for health purposes, spending over 7.0 billion annually. More than 25 % of modern pharmaceutical drugs have botanical origins.
Phytochemicals No magic, diets high in fruits, grains, legumes reduce the risk of a number of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure. Self healing. The Human body is the greatest machine in the earth. The body is two thirds- water. The Micronutrients: Vitamins and Minerals. Natural immunity is an inherited resistance to infection.
Herbs Calendula is a prime wound healer, not having the sheer repairing power of symphytum, but having strong antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, it has been shown to prevent secondary infections in wounds and certainly helps to staunch bleeding therefore. Leaves of Phyllanthus are an important remedy in south of India for jaundice.
Learning outcomes IT IS easy, in the arrogance of scientific advance, to forget that less than a century and a half ago most medicines were herbal remedies.
How to Diagnose and treat ? Ayurvedic Medicine Acupuncture
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