National Arts Council of South Africa: TERMS OF REFERENCE NAC: Travel Management Services Presented by: Dakalo Mandiwana Finance Manager
Scope of Work Comprehensive travel arrangements and bookings for both domestic and international travel on behalf of the NAC consisting including but not limited to accommodation, flights, car hire, shuttle services, conferences and/or workshops; Provide three third party quotations for all travel categories e.g flights, car hire, shuttle services and accommodation; Processing and administration of passports, visas and international drivers’ licenses and travel insurance, foreign exchange, travellers’ cheques, any other convenient means of funding available, e-tickets and other essentials needed for traveling Provide monthly travel management reports; Reconcile invoices with NAC requisitions and statements; Effect payment to service providers on time;
Continuation: Negotiate favorable rates for the NAC; Quick response time to travel requests: i.e within 12 hours of receipt of the request; Use of worldwide network for possible support when travelling to other countries; Performs all travel arrangements in terms of NAC travel and subsistence policy; Proven ability to handle queries or deal with problems at all times, i.e. 24 hours per day; Accredited International Air Transport Association (IATA) member with a minimum of five (5) years of operation within the travel industry;
Continuation: Proven financial sustainability; ( three year Annual Financial Statement to be provided) Travel agency may be required to assist the NAC with other projects’ travel arrangements within the NAC; Proven track record (history of the organisation, its general reputation, competence and reliability) to be provided; Good record in servicing public sector clients (evidence by the number of existing similar contracts)
Continuation: Submit invoices and any document to prove that the duly ordered services have been rendered (within 30 days of service delivery for domestic trips and 60 days for international trips,, reconcile with the Bank Travel Card Statements so that payment can be arranged by NAC. Such proof will include linking invoices to the requests submitted and for which requisitions were issued. Copies of original travel documentation must be made in line with the number of invoices to be generated by the specific request. The reconciled spread sheet of invoices must also be disseminated electronically while copies of the relevant requisitions and original invoices are to be hand delivered on or before the 07 th of every month. Without negotiations, strictly any cost for invoices older than 30 days (domestic trips) and 60 days (international trips) will be borne by the travel agency.
NAC’s Travel Requirements NAC’s requirement for domestic and/or international travel, in line with the its policy covers the following in total or in part: 3.2. Air Travel Arranging, amending and paying through available facilities for all air travel bookings; Car Rental/Shuttle Services Booking, amending and paying through available facilities for vehicles with or without the services of a driver; Accommodation Booking, amending and paying accommodation through available facilities with hotel groups, private hotels or other available facilities, for example guesthouses or boarding houses, where such a requirement is referred to the travel management company and the cost is within NAC’s approved threshold;
NAC’s requirements- Conti: Venues and Facilities The service provider will be required to facilitate the hiring of venues for meetings and conferences; Hours of Service The appointed travel management company must provide 24 hours service to accommodate after hours business such as amendments or emergency bookings;
PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Company profiles to be submitted must include experience and expertise of the prospective travel agent with references for similar work undertaken. Bidders must attach a list of all similar projects/contracts undertaken within the last five (5) years with contactable references. The submission must also include the Following: A project plan/approach demonstrating the company’s ability and capability to render services; An organogram with summarised CVs of the prosed team member(s) for this project; Travel agent’s audited Financial Statements for the most recent financial period; Proof of membership to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Association of South African Travel Agents (ASATA) NB: Failure to respond in this format may result in the application being disqualified.
CLOSING DATE Closing Date :14 December Time: 11H00 am Proposals must be deposited in the bid box situated at :Reception area National Arts Council 66 Margaret Mcingana street Newtown. Johannesburg.
Contact Details TEL: (011) FAX: (086)
End Thank You Q & A