Health Statistics 2016 DLI Atlantic Training
Quickly check sources that are already familiar to you. Become familiar with the Health Profiles, the Health indicators, CIHI, and/or a few Stat Can health surveys.Health ProfilesHealth indicatorsCIHIStat Can health surveys Check relevant links in your local Data and Statistics LibGuide and in the Health Statistics Database.Health Statistics Database Do a variable search in Odesi.Odesi If you think a survey has the info you need, but you can’t access it from Stat Can’s website, check the DLI or RDC collections.DLI RDC Look at tables and sources of information in Stat Can’s subject portal or the Health in Canada page.Stat Can’s subject portalHealth in Canada page Search in Google, check sources of search results. Check your local library research guide for links. Ask a data librarian… if you are the data librarian, try the DLI list! SUGGESTED WORKFLOW Go! Go to Health Geography! Go!
Almost Done! After you find what you’re looking for: Make sure you can open the file or files (if applicable). Do one last search to make sure you have the most recent version. Carefully read any accompanying documentation. Cite your Stat Can Sources and/or other sources.Stat Can Sources other sources
CHECK YOUR BEST BETS Quickly check sources that are already familiar to you. Become familiar with the Health Profiles.Health Profiles
Some health geography resources Searching by postal code in the census profile. census profile Looking around the Health Regions: Boundaries and Correspondence with Census Geography page. Health Regions: Boundaries and Correspondence with Census Geography
Boundary Files are compatible with geospatial software.
The Correspondence Files allow you to link health geography with standard geography.
CHECK YOUR BEST BETS Quickly check sources that are already familiar to you. Become familiar with the Health Indicators – statistics about the health of Canadians and some statistics about the health system.Health Indicators
CHECK YOUR BEST BETS Quickly check sources that are already familiar to you. Become familiar with CIHI – lots of statistics about hospitals and the health system.CIHI
CHECK YOUR BEST BETS Quickly check sources that are already familiar to you. Become familiar with a few Stat Can surveys in your discipline.Stat Can surveys in your discipline The same products are available from many different Stat Can page…
Statistic Canada Surveys
Explore « Links to Related products » Statistics Canada Surveys
The Daily: news about data releases. Summary Tables: quick statistics on a subject. Census Tables: links to tables from the 2006 census… Detailed tables from CANSIM: downloadable data tables which often include time series. Publications: articles about data and statistics, including tables and figures. Information for analysts and researchers: even more articles about data and statistics, including tables and figures. Definitions, data sources and methods: a list of related surveys and general products.
CHECK YOUR LIBGUIDE Check relevant links in your local research guide, check the Health Statistics Database.Health Statistics Database
SEARCH IN ODESI Do a variable search in Odesi.Odesi
STAT CAN SUBJECT PAGES Look at tables and sources of information in Stat Can’s subject portal or the Health in Canada page. Stat Can’s subject portalHealth in Canada page If you think a survey has the info you need, but you can’t access it from Stat Can’s website, check the DLI or RDC collections.DLI RDC
Stat Can Subject Page
Select a subtopic, or click on « All subtopics ». Click on the links most likely to get you to the information you require. CANSIM tables for retrospective data or for tables. Publications or Information for analysts and researchers for articles containing statistics. Summary tables sometimes contains easy to consult useful data. Take a look at Featured products to find even more sources of data and statistics on your subject.
CANSIM Tables Click on Add/Remove data to reveal additional fields. Click on Download to retrieve ALL the data.
GOOGLE SEARCH Search in Google, check sources of search results.
Searching Google AROUND(#) to find words that are close to each other. Site:adresse of website or domain to search in a specific web site or domain. -word to search pages that don’t have a specific word in their results. OR to find synonyms. Don’t forget to check the sources of your findings! AROUND(#) to find words that are close to each other. Site:adresse of website or domain to search in a specific web site or domain. -word to search pages that don’t have a specific word in their results. OR to find synonyms. Don’t forget to check the sources of your findings!
CHECK DATABASES Check your local Health databases for statistics, incidence, prevalence, etc.
FINISHING YOUR SEARCH After you find what you’re looking for: Make sure you can open the file or files (if applicable). Do one last search to make sure you have the most recent version. Carefully read any accompanying documentation. Cite your Stat Can Sources and/or other sources.Stat Can Sources other sources