Incorporating Sustainability in Business By Amelia Kwok and Daniel Mulder
Outcomes Grade 9 Social Studies VI-004 Be willing to consider diverse social and cultural perspectives. VH-009 Value the contributions of diverse cultural and social groups to Canadian society.
Outcomes Futures in Business Unit 1 Identify business opportunities Unit 2 Explain importance of using clear communication
Outcomes Unit 3 Demonstrate the ability to handle cash Recognize the importance of cash control Demonstrate the ability to estimate answers to calculations Define spreadsheets and spreadsheet terms Use a spreadsheet to: Prepare a balance sheet Prepare an income statement Unit 4 Recognize the educational requirements necessary to become a successful employee/entrepreneur
Outcomes Unit 6 Discuss and define the traits that are important to a member of the work force Complete an application form/letter of application Discuss the need for people to work together cooperatively in homes, in communities, and in business
Description Project Overview: ● Groups of 3-4 ● Research a culture and present to the class ● Create their own business and business plan regarding object relating to chosen culture ● Create balance sheet and income statement based off info from sales ● Personal reflection on culture and experience of operating their own business
Description Break down of Classes: Week One FridaySat Sun MondayTuesday/WednesdayThursdayFriday Introduce project Choose culture Research periodPresentationsLetter of Application Cash Flow Cash Control Making a Profit COGS Business Plan Mini Meetings Hand in Letter of Application
Description Break down of Classes: Week Two MondayTuesday + WednesdayThursday + FridaySat Sun Monday Spreadsheets Balance Sheets Income Statements Member of Workforce and Working Cooperatively Discussion Business Operation: Group 1 Business Operation: Group 2 Collect Assignments: Group Report Culture Presentation Business Plan Balance Sheet Income Statement Personal Reflection
Location and Timeline When 2 week period One week theory One week application One day borrowed from previous week to introduce project Where Open area in front of the gym
Sustainable Goal Setting Students will be involved in sustainable goal setting in the following ways: Students will be responsible for the research on their project that needs to be done Class time is provided, however if more time is needed students should work out of class time Students will choose culture at random by drawing from a hat
Links to Socio-Cultural and Economical Factors Students will learn what influence their culture has on people. Students will learn how culture influences what people do, what people say, and what people eat. Students will learn how the revenue a business makes can impact the economy of a country. Students will learn how to make economic choices for their businesses.
Local Relevance and Applicability to Everyday Life Canada is becoming more and more diverse and students should be accepting to everyone in society Students will not have prejudice against differing cultures Being accepting of other cultures will help students to have more success in the workplace
Evaluation Group package Research Report Research Presentation Business Plan i. Including business results Individual Application Week Reflections
References Grade 9 Social Studies: Canada in the Contemporary World: A Foundation for Implementation (2007). Retrieved November 4, 2015, from Prins, T. (1994). Futures in business (M. Hartley, Ed.). Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Education and Training.