The Nova Scotia SPCA saving lives with your help
About the Nova Scotia SPCA MISSION STATEMENT To prevent abuse, neglect and cruelty to animals, and provide for province-wide leadership on matters that promote and improve the welfare of all animals through animal protection; care and rehabilitation; humane education; advocacy and engagement and collaboration with stakeholders. STRATEGIC VISION To be a No Kill province and a safe place for all animals with zero tolerance for animal cruelty.
Our Structure GOVERNANCE The Nova Scotia SPCA has the privilege of being the high-level governance body for all SPCAs in Nova Scotia, as well as the agency responsible for cruelty investigation province-wide. The SPCA has direct oversight responsibilities for 10 financially independent Branches, which offer intake and adoption services. THE NETWORK SPCA Provincial Office & Provincial Animal Shelter Cape Breton Branch Antigonish Branch LaBaie Branch Yarmouth Branch Hants Branch Kings Branch Lunenburg Branch Queens Branch Colchester Branch Pictou Branch
Accomplishments Improved live release rates from 65% to 91% in just three years. Saved over 11,000 animals in 2012 through animal protection and intake/adoption services. A 100% conviction rate cruelty investigation prosecutions. Selected by Charity Intelligence as one of their “top picks” for efficiency and effectiveness and the provision of charitable value. Addressed over 18,000 calls regarding animal welfare last year with a case load of 1,632. These cases involved more than 5,000 animals in distress. Awards International Summit on Urban Animal Strategies Wellness (2010) Education (2010) Leadership (2010) Communications (2011) Homing (2012) Education (2013) Iams local Heroes Canadian Contest Sheltering (2010) Chamber of Commerce Top Newsmaker (2011) Coast Reader’s Choice Best Place to Volunteer (2013/Gold)
Our Case for Support The Society has a mission to prevent cruelty to animals. This is achieved through a variety of life-saving programs, which include: Promoting the humane treatment of animals; Collaborating with all agencies and professionals that have a role to play in the protection of animals; Establishing standards of care, industry customs and codes of practice; Humane education, youth programs and advocacy initiatives; Promoting and supporting the development of laws that protect animals; Intake and adoption services; Fostering and sheltering programs for animals affecting by abuse, neglect and cruelty; Provision of veterinary care; Spay and neuter services for low income families and other rescue and humane organizations.
Our Programs The SPCA relies on fundraising to provide its lifesaving programs. These dollars are allocated in the following way:
Our No Kill Model CREATIVE STRATEGIES THAT SAVE LIVES The guiding principles of the SPCA’s No Kill model focuses on increasing live release rates with a commitment of attaining a record of 90% or higher. All healthy and medically treatable animals will be given every opportunity for adoption and euthanasia will be reserved only for reasons of mercy or aggression. Killing for space is not an option.
Creative Life Saving Strategies There are many creative strategies that we employ, including ones that have won international honours and awards. These programs include: A palliative care foster program for senior animals or those with compromised health A transfer program that helps to address intake pressures in specific areas of the province, by moving animals from high intake areas to high adoption areas Engagement with provincial and municipal governments that has resulted in increased legal protection for animals Outreach spay and neuter surgery programs for low income families.
Creative Life Saving Strategies …Continued… Superior animal care protocols based on industry best practices to curb disease and ensure a healthy shelter environment A volunteer engagement program that has increased volunteer hours by 148% ( ) and helped to offset labour costs Two award winning youth programs that teach valuable lessons about humane care and responsible pet ownership: Girl Guides of Canada and Art Contest. An off site adoption program that has seen adoption rates climb by as much as 50% in some communities. Programs for at risk youth, seniors and those affected by domestic violence.
Steps Towards Sustainability: Social Innovation Financial sustainability is a critical concern to all non-profit organizations in the sector. In addition to adopting corporate sensibilities, enhancing transparency and accountability, expertly controlling costs and fundraising, the SPCA is also committed to exploring innovative programs, such as social enterprise, collaborative partnerships, and entrepreneurial strategies to achieve long term financial sustainability and growth. To learn more, visit
Why Partner with the SPCA? We are the province's leading animal welfare organization. We are the last line of defence for animals in need. We are the competent authority for companion animal welfare. We are one of the largest non-profit organizations in Nova Scotia. We have a provincial mandate and a provincial scope. We have an excellent track record of working in partnership with all stakeholders who have a role to play in the protection of animals. We have invested in long term financial sustainability strategies.
Kings County Animal Shelter Building dimensions 98 feet long x 45 feet wide Dog Area 11 dog kennels 4x5 inside, 4x 8 outside runs attached to each 2 dog kennels 8x6 inside, 10x6 outside runs attached to each 10 dog ISO kennels 4x8 inside - NO outside runs attached to these Cat area NO cat kennels included in original pricing 2 general cat rooms, approx 9x10 ea. 1 ISO room, 17x8 1 ISO intake 8x9 1 ISO 8x9 1 medical/grooming/animal care desk area 1x10 Building Cost Built in 2008 for a cost of $517,000 on a donated piece of land that was 2.7 acres. Intake Comparison Antigonish (Foster Based) 204 Colchester (Shelter Based)571 Kings (Shelter Based)442 Yarmouth (Shelter Based)475
Benefits To Having a SPCA Shelter in your Community Partnering with the largest Animal Welfare Organization in the Province Access to our Provincial Animal Transport Network to meet capacity concerns Access to all SPCA Operational Procedures based on industry best practices that adhere to the Association of Shelter Veterinarians Standards of Care Access to our Provincial Animal Shelter Veterinary Clinic for low cost spay/neuter surgeries & TNR
Saving Lives With Your Help Thank you for being a part of our community of support. Through collaboration, we can achieve a more compassionate society.
Contact Information Phone: (902) Fax: (902) Website: Mailing Address PO Box STN Burnside Dartmouth NS B3B 1X2 Street Address 11 Akerley Blvd, Suite 200A Dartmouth NS B3B 1V7