Latin and Greek Root Words Mrs. Fendrick root
Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Greek and Latin Root Words Essential Question: How will knowledge of roots help me to determine the meaning of new words? zoo Definition: Write zoo in green. Green = Greek root.
Define structure. What does the noun structure mean?
structure (verb): arrangement of parts or pattern
RootSuffixPrefix disagreeable dis + agree + able NOT IN HARMONY MANNER unemployment un + employ + ment NOT WORK or STATE or HAVING A JOB CONDITION
et cetera etc. What does this term mean?
et cetera etc. is a Latin term that means and so forth
Greek and Latin Words from Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling arma – weapons, armour dens – a tooth dormio – I sleep lumen – light ludo – I play nox – night, darkness nunquam (or numquam) – never patronus – a protector or sponsor
Sirius Black Draco Malfoy Sirius is the Latin name for the bright dog star and the title of the Cornhusker tunnel walk song. Draco is the Latin word for dragon.
Greek letters are still used in math and science today.
th, ph, ch, and ps stand for Greek letters not in our alphabet.
The Greek Alphabet th, ph, ch, and ps stand for Greek letters not in our alphabet.
Roots are word parts. Root
Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Greek and Latin Root Words Essential Question: How will knowledge of roots help me to determine the meaning of new words? zoo Definition: Write zoo in green. Green = Greek root.
Pick up green pencil.
zoo Write zoo in green. Green stands for a Greek root. Definition: animal Example: zookeeper, zoologist, zoology, zodiac
Pick up red pencil.
sol Definition: sun Examples: solar (pertaining to the sun) solarium (glass-enclosed sun room) parasol (sunshade) What is the solstice? Write sol in red. Red stands for a Latin root.
1.June – marks beginning of summer when the sun is directly over Tropic of Cancer. The longest day will be June 21, December – beginning of winter when sun is directly over Tropic of Capricorn. The shortest day was Dec. 21, solstice – happens twice each year
Pick up green pencil.
astro or astron Definition: star Examples: astronaut (star sailor); asteroid (in the form of a star); disaster (separated from friendly stars) Write astro in green. Green stands for a Greek root.
Pick up red pencil.
aqua Definition: water Examples: aquarium, aquamarine (blue-green color) aquaculture (fish farming) Write aqua in red. Red stands for a Latin root.
forensis Definition: forum or public discussion Examples: 1. forensics (debate) 2. forensics (study of evidence at a crime scene)
Pick up green pencil.
skopeo (scope) Definition: look at, inspect, consider, examine Examples: periscope, microscope, kaleidoscope
Pick up red pencil.
ped, pes, pedis Definition: foot Examples: pedal (foot lever) pawn (foot soldiers) pedometer (measures distance walked) pedicure (care for feet)
cap, caput, capitis Pronounced KAP-eh-tus Definition: head Examples: captain (head of a group) cabbage (vegetable head) 1.
slang definition = over, broken, dead, gone caput French guillotine for beheading decapitated
cap, cep, cept Definition: take or receive Examples: captive, capture capable, accept, intercept 2. cap, cep, cept The superhero captures the criminal and takes him away.
dens, dentis Definition: tooth Examples: dentist, dental, dentures
corpus, corporis Definition: body Examples: corpse (dead body) corpulent (a lot of body fat) corporation (legal business body) corps (military body) Corpus Christi (body of Christ)
Pick up green pencil.
histo Definition: tissue from a human, animal, or plant Example: histology (study of tissue)
pathos Definition: feeling or suffering from disease Examples: pathology (study of disease) pathogens (disease producer - virus or bacteria ) sympathy (to feel what another feels) pathetic (sad, miserable) apathy (not feeling)
zoo Definition: animal Example: zookeeper, zoology Definition: sun Example: solar, parasol, solstice astro Definition: star Example: astronaut, asteroid Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Greek and Latin Roots sol Definition: water Example: aquarium, aquamarine skopeo, Definition: forum or public discussion Example: forensics aqua forensis scope Definition: look at, inspect Example: microscope, periscope
Definition: foot Example: pedal, pedicure Definition: head Example: captain, cabbage Definition: take or receive Example: capture, intercept Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Greek and Latin Roots caput Definition: tooth Example: dentist, dental, dentures histo Definition: feeling, suffering Example: pathetic, sympathy dens corpus pathos pedis cap, cept Definition: body Example: corpse, corpulent Definition: tissue (human, animal, plant) Example: histology
Summary A root is the part of a word that contains the basic meaning. About 60 percent of all English words have Latin or Greek roots.
Roots are word parts. Rootprefixsuffix disagreeable = dis + agree + able ROOT