Abortion and Euthanasia
Sanctity of Life All people a precious gift from God, every person is of equal worth to God also A human’s age, health or ability does not make any person more or less valuable Life should be treated with respect, and this is an act of worship to God Honour God through their bodies and how they live their lives God gives life and will also sustain/guide people if they have faith in him ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.’ Jeremiah 1:5
Abortion Due to the teachings of sanctity of life there are concern over abortion, but attitudes differ. Generally not to be encouraged and only used in most serious circumstances. Roman Catholic Church Almost never acceptable. ‘You shall not kill by abortion the fruit of thy womb.’ The Didache (an early Christian writing) Against the commandment ‘You shall not murder’ Exodus 20:13 Only accepted if done to save the mother, as the loss of the child in saving her life is an unfortunate side effect. Foetus is a human being from the moment of conception (although people used to think that this was dependent upon when the foetus receives a soul) ‘For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb’ Psalms 139:13 A Foetus has the RIGHT TO LIFE Adoption is seen as a better route than abortion
Church of England Generally opposed unless there are certain situations where it can be justified -Continued pregnancy would lead to mother’s death -If the foetus is so badly disabled that it would only live for a short period of time or have a very poor quality of life -Child of rape -Mother is unable to raise the child due to serious mental illness People are left to make their own choices on what is morally acceptable based on ‘do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophet.’ Matthew 7:12 Believe that there are alternatives to abortion such as adoption and these should be available People in this situation should be supported
Euthanasia – Mercy Killing? Translated from the Ancient Greek ‘gentle and easy death’ This is where a person chooses to end their life as they feel they have the right to do as they wish with their bodies Two main types -Voluntary = this is where a person asks another to help them die. This maybe through a living will if they have prepared one in case they are unable to communicate. They may refuse to take medical treatment. -Involuntary = this is where a person is no longer able to make the decision, so it is made for them by family or medical experts. This is where the medication or food is removed from the person by the family’s request. General Teachings Morally wrong – against 6 th commandment ‘You shall not murder’ God owns life, therefore humans do not have the right to choose to die Suffering is a part of life, so do not devalue it by choosing death Trust in God as loves you ‘God has said: ‘Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.’ ‘ Hebrews 13:5 Acceptable to refuse medication RC ‘Double Effect’ acceptable – i.e. when medicine is used to relieve pain, but the side effect is to speed up their death.
Suicide Life is a gift from God and should not be thrown away SANCTITY OF LIFE! ‘Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit’ 1 Corinthians 6:19 The body and life should be treated with respect. Death against the 6 th commandment (as this would be self murder) People who are suicidal should receive help and support not condemnation as they would have done in the past. Example of the Samaritans which is a non denominational organisation despite having been set up by a vicar Chad Varah Exam Focus a)What is Euthanasia (1 mark) b)Describe Christian teachings on suicide (2 marks) d) Explain Christian attitudes to abortion d) Explain how a Christian may respond to someone who is considering having an abortion (6 marks) d) Describe Christian Teachings about Euthanasia (6 marks) d) Explain how a Christian would respond to someone who wanted to die (6 marks)