business analytics Continuous investigation of business performance using large volumes of data. Click here for Hint data warehouse or business analytics or processes?
business-to-business (B2B) Commercial transactions between organizations. Click here for Hint ERP or B2B or B2C ?
business-to-consumer (B2C) Commercial transactions between an organization and individual consumers. Click here for Hint ERP or B2B or B2C ?
business unit A segment of a larger organization, usually managed as a profit-and- loss center. Click here for Hint inputs or core competency or business unit?
core competency Specific ability that distinguishes a business from its competitors. Click here for Hint inputs or core competency or business unit?
data mining Analysis of data in search of new patterns and relationships. Click here for Hint data mining or iterative planning or processes?
data warehouse Database of an organization’s ongoing operations archived for analysis and decision support. Click here for Hint data mining or iterative planning or data warehouse?
e-commerce Buying and selling product through electronic transactions. Click here for Hint ERP or e-commerce or data mining?
enterprise resource planning (ERP) A strategic information system that integrates all functional areas of an organization. Click here for Hint ERP or e-commerce or data mining?
goal alignment Developing goals compatible among business units and consistent with higher-level goals of that organization. Click here for Hint core competency or strategy or goal alignment?
iterative planning Deliberately adjusting plans at short intervals to reflect new information. Click here for Hint data mining or iterative planning or goal alignment?
make-to-order A system that produces low volumes of customized product. Click here for Hint make-to-order or make-to-stock or iterative planning?
make-to-stock A system that produces high volumes of standardized product. Click here for Hint make-to-order or make-to-stock or iterative planning?
mission An organization’s statement about what it’s doing to meet its vision. Click here for Hint mission or core competency or goal alignment?
multifactor productivity measure A ratio of a particular output to the combined value of a set of inputs of an operation. Click here for Hint bill of materials or multifactor productivity measure or sustainability?
order qualifiers Minimum competitive characteristics necessary to be considered for a customer’s order. Click here for Hint order winners or core competency or order qualifiers?
order winners Those characteristics that give a product competitive advantage. Click here for Hint order winners or core competency or order qualifiers?
partial productivity measure A ratio of a particular output to a particular input of an operation. Click here for Hint bill of materials or multifactor productivity measure or partial productivity measure?
processes Activities that transform inputs into outputs. Click here for Hint order qualifiers or productivity or processes?
product life cycle Generalized pattern of phases in product demand over time, from incubation to decline. Click here for Hint order winners or product life cycle or business analytics?
productivity A measurement of value creation, calculated as a ratio of the values of output to input. Click here for Hint order qualifiers or productivity or processes?
strategy A methodology and resulting plan that identifies the long-term goals of an organization. Click here for Hint Iterative planning or business analytics or strategy?
third-party logistics (3PL) Outsourcing logistics activities to a provider. Click here for Hint 3PL or ERP or B2B?
total productivity measure A ratio of the combined value of all outputs to the combined value of all inputs of an operation. Click here for Hint total productivity measure or goal alignment or sustainability?
value-added The difference between the total value of the outputs and the total value of the inputs associated with an operation. Click here for Hint productivity or value-added or transformation?
vision An organization’s defining statement about the future. Click here for Hint vision or mission or goal alignment?