definition: understood by or meant for the select few who have special understanding difficult to understand not openly admitted
es-uh- ter -ik pronunciation:
synonyms: recondite abstruse abstract profound mystical cryptic obscure impenetrable
related forms: noun esotericism esotericist adverb esoterically
The students in Mr. Hisel’s physics class were proud when they understood the esoteric concepts.
While neophytes consider the Pythagorean Theorem esoteric, others find it basic.
The poetry of T. S. Eliot contains many esoteric allusions.
The surreal paintings of Andrew Jones are considered too esoteric by some critics.
esotericist The esotericist dedicated her life to finding inner peace.
While intriguing to some, esotericism is befuddling to others.
Prior to 1990, sequencing and identifying the human genetic code was only esoterically pondered.