Doug Donnan For Senator-At-Large “ Energy, Enthusiasm, Excellence”
About Me University of Cincinnati B.S. Industrial Design - 3rd Year Business Analytics Minor Cumulative GPA Mission Statement Through passion, dedication and hard work, spark positive change at University of Cincinnati for the betterment of the student experience.
Involvement Peer Leader First-Year Experience Mentored 26 potential DAAPers 12 were placed into DAAP 85% Retention Rate to UC Philanthropy Chairman Alpha Tau Omega Founded Activity Day Quadruple Philanthropy/Service Numbers Academic Director IFC Started meetings with chapters/1:1 sessions 1st Semester with all above GPA min
Involvement Campus Fundraising UCDM Campus Org Registration Historian Alpha Tau Omega Reformed Chapter Communication Summer Scholarship Program Restructured Executive Board President IDSA Freshmen 101 Reformed Exec Structure Bi-weekly Speaker Series VP of Inter-Greek IFC Greek Leadership Retreat President’s Circles Greek Consultancy Group
Recognition Member of the Year – Alpha Tau Omega – Spring 2015 Pillar of Excellence in Philanthropy and Service – FSL Life – Spring 2015 Excellence in Communication – Alpha Tau Omega Nationals – Summer 2015 Cincinnatus Scholar Phi Rho Chi Greek Men’s Honorary Order of Omega Greek Honorary
Financial Literacy Sustainability
Financial Literacy
Are stressed by their personal finances Current Financial Wellness 45% 79% 67% 78% *2014 National Student Financial Wellness Survey Sometimes/Never Have a Monthly Budget Sometimes/Never Put money into savings/investments Never Met with a financial counselor
Financial Literacy Opportunities University Budget Presentation Balancing Your Budget Investing in Yourself and the Stock Market Paying for Higher Education Professional Counseling Detailed Budget release from University of Cincinnati during Winter Day to day personal financial management In conjunction with Student Wellness Center Education on investments and future financial planning SG Sponsored Session with a Professional Investment Advisor Education on loans and loan payment after Undergrad/ Graduate In conjunction with Student Wellness Center Provide students with On-Campus Professional Counselors Part-Time University Staff
Timeline Budget Presentation Early December 2015 Balancing Your Budget Jan 19-22, 2016 Investing in Yourself and the Stock Market Jan 25-29, 2016 Paying for Higher Education Feb 1-5, 2016 Professional Consultants Feb 2015
Resources Student Wellness Center SACUB UFB Student Financial Aid Office of Budget and Financial Services
Student Residency 80% of Uptown Campus Freshman Live in Residence Halls* *UC Housing Statistics **Ohio Board of Regents 80% 20% 44% of University of Cincinnati Students Live Off Campus** 44% 40% Commute 16% On-Campus
Spreading the Recycling Initiative University Edge 2. University Park 3. The Verge 4. USquare 5. Fraternity and Sorority Life 6. Campus Park at UC And many more available on the Off Campus Housing Portal
Reducing Our Carbon Footprint Provide UC Students in Residence Halls and UC Affiliated Housing with a quick pamphlet on Green Living. University of IowaOregon State UniversityUniversity of Michigan
A small change X 43,691 students = A BIG Difference
Resources RHA Directors of Sustainability Planning + Design + Construction for UC Off-Campus Partners Fraternity and Sorority Life
Energy, Enthusiasm, Excellence Doug Donnan for Senator-At-Large