The Indian Subcontinent From Colony to Independence
Rise of Nationalism Indian National Congress— 1885 –Hindu dominated Muslim League—1906 –Wanted separate seats in legislature
Effects of Imperialism Positive Sanitation Health care Infrastructure— railroads, telephone, telegraph, dams, bridges End of local warfare Negative Political and economic power in British hands Restrictions on Indian owned industries Loss of self- sufficiency Cash crops=decrease in food production=famine Second class status Threats to traditional Indian way of life
Gandhi Civil disobedience 1930—Salt March –Demonstrators arrested 1935—Government of India Act –Not complete independence 1942—Quit India Resolution Post WWII Britain weighs cost of maintaining colony
Independence divides India and Pakistan-1947 Muslims resist rule by Hindus Partition of India—10 million refugees result in 1 million dead
Kashmir UN ceasefire Water resources vital to Pakistan
Jawarlal Nehru Follower of Gandhi. 1 st Prime Minister of India, Advocated Industrialization. Neutrality during Cold War=Nonaligned Movement
Non-Alignment Movement
The “mix” refers to private and public ownership. Foreign aid and foreign investment are crucial. Urban areas have high-tech companies. Three quarters of the population are farmers living in small villages. India's "Green Revolution" allowed farmers to triple their crop by using modern science and technology. India’s “mixed economy”
India’s “Green Revolution” Introducing higher- yielding varieties of seeds in Increased use of fertilizers & irrigation. GOAL make India self-sufficient in food grains.
Nehru’s daughter. Prime Minister of India, Continues Nehru’s policies. Faced corruption charges & internal rebellion. Assassinated in Indira Gandhi
India’s persecution of the Sikhs
Overpopulation 1 billion & climbing. Economic development. Hindu-Muslim tensions. Gender issues dowry killings. Caste bias discrimination against untouchables continues. The Kashmir dispute and nuclear weapons. Political assassinations. Major problems & Issues in India today
Is the dream gone?
Strong Islamic fundamentalism. Impoverished. Pakistan divided in 1972 W. Pakistan = Pakistan E. Pakistan = Bangladesh Pakistan
First Woman Prime Minister, 1988 Twice elected and twice removed in 1990 and 1993 on corruption charges. Self-imposed exile Returned during elections in 2007 Killed December 2007 Benazir Bhutto
Coup d’etat. U.S. ally in the “War on Terror.” Resigned August 2008 General Musharaff
Asif Ali Zardari Widower of Benazir Bhutto Elected as President-September 2008
Economic development. Political instability/military dictatorship. Hindu-Muslim tensions. Gender issues honor killings. Terrorism. The Kashmir dispute and nuclear weapons. Major problems & Issues in Pakistan today
The India-Pakistan Arms Race Heats Up in the Late 1990s
Terror?” Partners in the “War on Terror?”