Internationalisation: a strategy for growth Partnerships: a strategy for Internationalisation ABS
Internationalisation in Aston 2020 Promoting our reputation and visibility internationally Building our international reputation for research excellence Building a diverse international community Developing global citizens Developing joint courses with high quality institutions overseas
Internationalisation activities Overseas student recruitment Student exchange (placements) Research collaboration Faculty exchange Joint programmes PARTNERSHIPS
34 Active recruitment markets (2011/12 cycle) AFRICA Botswana Ghana Kenya Nigeria Tanzania Uganda MIDDLE EAST Egypt Lebanon Iran Iraq (inc Kurdistan) Jordan Kuwait Oman Saudi Arabia UAE FORMER CIS COUNTRIES Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Russia SOUTH ASIA Bangladesh India Pakistan Sri Lanka SOUTH EAST ASIA Brunei Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Turkey Vietnam EAST ASIA China Hong Kong Japan Korea Taiwan UK INTERNATIONAL EU & EUROPE
ABS – further opportunities Hong Kong (UG Law and Business) India Japan ( especially MBA) Russia ( especially MBA) Saudi Arabia SE Asia South Korea (MBA and growing interest in corporate responsibility) Turkey West Africa
International placements International Placement team: Rachel Cox; Carolina Salinas
Research with International Partners Currently Research collaborations in over 40 different countries. Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, China, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, USA, Vietnam, Finland, Turkey, Netherlands, Hungary “Developing our Research with International Partners”
Internationalisation of curriculum: Programme delivery overseas (TransNational Education): EASB (Singapore) and Medical BioSciences Joint programme delivery: European Masters in Management, run jointly by EMLYON Business School (France), Aston Business School (UK) and Ludwig Maximilian Universität (Germany), IIT Vidyalankar – 2+1 Computer Science International staff appointments
Partnerships to facilitate and co-ordinate internationalisation activities Overseas student/staff recruitment Research collaboration: Student/faculty placements Joint programmes
International Partnerships – what and why Three levels of partnerships School or subject group level Research - Individual staff; research group; research institute – Whole University partnerships
School Level Partnerships Most focussed on student exchange – Erasmus, or placement (IBML); some staff exchange. Other possibilities: Raising research profile, research placements; training models internationalising the student experience, Internationalising staff experience revenue generation, widening staff recruitment pool; curriculum development Develop School Partnership strategy
Research Partnerships Marie Curie and International Training Networks ?Research institutes also to consider training opportunities; curriculum development; ‘summer schools’; Graduate School – Split-site PhDs; Researcher Plus Training.
University Partnerships Criteria: Clear academic compatibility and linkage, with two or more Schools or Faculties having matched areas of expertise Partners with a strong reputation and matching profile - Employable Graduates, Exploitable Research Strong research led links to business and the professions, with a commitment to professional programmes; location in a business or commercial centre Benefits: Due diligence and risk assessment assured Compatibility and complementarity Recruitment, Internationalising the student experience (widen exchange possibilities), Opportunity for overseas growth and presence [ World Rankings]; honorary appointments
University level Partnerships – (KPI Institutional level partnerships by 2015) -the story so far Queensland University of Technology ( ) an applied emphasis in courses and research. 'a university for the real world' because of close links with industry and our relevant teaching and applied research. Hong Kong Polytechnic University ( Vision – be a leading University that excels in professional education, applied research and partnership for the betterment of Hong Kong, the nation and the world Chinese University of Hong Kong ( “ The programmes offered shall strike a balance between enduring academic, social and cultural values, and the needs of society for a highly qualified workforce. “ –
Partnership Plans – Towards 2020 University Partnerships Group (International Strategy Committee + Collaborative Provision Strategy Group) Growth Countries to Watch: BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India, China CIVET: Columbia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey Audit of USA/Canada links Audit and development of links with Europe – Spain, Germany
Supporting Internationalisation and Developing Partnerships: Additional activities International Summer University Developing Aston ‘Incomers Portfolio’ Extending International Year Abroad (IYA)
August – 3 or 4 week programme English language (CELCA) – different levels; Preparatory week of English for some Social programme, on campus accommodation Specialist subject sessions: e.g. 9 x 2.5 hours sessions. Interactive. Led by current staff, or casual staff/PhD students; ?Training workshops; taster sessions International Summer University:
Inward Exchange Rapid growth in student exchange numbers; partners and overseas universities looking for UK opportunities What modules could be available to inbound students; what pre- requisites are there; Flexibility – one semester common Extend International Year Abroad Add pre-requisite training for PGT courses to current IYA offerings
How can we help? School-specific International Office Liaison contact/ International Strategy Committee/University Partnerships Groups/ ADs (International) International Information: Internal: partnership-agreements/ partnership-agreements/ External: international-students/ your-country/international-partner-institutions/ Internal and external funding: Visiting Researchers ( Martin Griffin) British Council (e.g. UKIERI) Internationalisation support funding ( PVC – International)
How can you help? Develop a School Partnership Strategy ( focus on University Partners) Engage with International Summer University ) Develop Aston International Incomers portfolio Engage with International Year Abroad Developments Engage ALL staff with Internalisation agenda: SPREAD THE WORD!!