Using Formative Assessment to Support Student Learning
How to Develop a Learning Target Determine your Standard or Objective. Identify the essential part(s) of each objective that you want your students to learn—these are your targets. Design a strong performance of understanding— these are thinking skills and applying new knowledge Write the learning targets in language students can understand. Students should be able to use I can statements.
Criteria for Success The criteria for success focuses on what students will be doing during the learning process. The criteria for success provides an understanding of what quality work should look like. The learning targets should be met after achieving the criteria for success.
Impact for Student Provides appropriate focus Criteria while engaged in the task. Criteria can provide a focus for self- assessment and self-monitoring. Criteria form the feedback criteria for peer evaluation. Helps students develop a sense of what is and what is not important.
Pyramid of Assessment Summative District and State Assessments (e.g. aggregated, disaggregated, strand, objective, item, etc. ) (Annually) Benchmark Common Assessments (e.g. end-of-unit, ClassScape test, Elements Software, Practice Mastery, etc) (Quarterly or by unit) Formative Common Assessments (e.g. math problem of the week, departmental quiz, writing samples, science journals, etc.) (1-4 times per month) Formative Classroom Assessment for Learning (e.g. student self-assessments, descriptive feedback, selected response, written response, personal communications, performance assessments, warmup problems, checks for understanding - Red/Yellow/Green Cups, Fist to Five, Thumbs Up/Down) (Daily-Weekly)
Categorize Assessments Work in groups of four. Each group will be given a Categorizing Assessment sheet and a Ziploc bag. Layout the strips that are in the Ziploc bag and decide three categories you can sort the strips into. Work as a group to sort the assessment strips into the three categories.
Assessment Activity Answers FormativeBenchmark/Common Formative Assessments Summative Un-graded classwork/homework9 Weeks quarterly assessmentsTechnology test Teacher observationsGraded role playEnglish language proficiency test Descriptive feedbackMid-Term assessmentsNC End of Couse tests DiscussionsVocabulary quizWriting test Learning activitiesTeacher or textbook quizzesNC End of Grade test QuestioningEnd of unit test Student reflections/journalsGroup history report Interviews Teacher-student conference
Read Article Read article Formative and Summative Assessments in the Classroom. Select for your group a facilitator and reporter. Use the Four “A”s Text Protocol with your group to discuss the article. The reporter should be prepared to share your thoughts on Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment Techniques Work in your groups and review the Formative Assessment Techniques and Test Item Types. Your group is to list four additional Formative Assessment techniques or strategies. Be prepared to share your four strategies.
Collecting and Documenting Evidence Mental Notes Matrix Exit Ticket Student Think Aloud Warm-Up Homework/Classwork Journal Writing Interactive Notebooks
Grade/ Subject: High School/Physical Science OBJECTIVE: 4.02 Investigate and analyze direct current electrical circuits: Ohm's law, series circuits, parallel circuits. (NC SCS, 2004) Learning TargetCriteria for SuccessCollecting EvidenceDocumenting Evidence I can create a simple closed circuit using 6-Volt battery conductors, light bulbs, and circuit boards I can create a series circuit using two bulbs in a series I can create a parallel circuit I can measure voltage and amperage of simple, series and parallel circuits and then compare and contrast each. I will connect the circuits so that the light bulb will be lit when the switch is turned on. I will explain to my partner the electron path. I will trace the electron path of the circuit. I will make sure the current only has one path. I will explain to my partner the electron path. I will trace the electron path of the circuit. I will make sure the current has more than one path. I will use Ohm’s Law to determine the resistance of the light bulb. Observe students working in pairs to determine if the circuits are accurately built and light is burning. Watch students as they trace the electron path of the circuit. Listen as the students explain the the path of the circuit. Same as above Same as above Question students about measurements. How happens to the amps when a series circuit is used and a parallel circuit is used compared to a simple circuit? Initial student’s interactive notebooks when the student demonstrates each component of the criteria. Same as above Same as a above Listen as students answer the questions in oral and written form. 1.What misconceptions do you think students might have? 1. What will you do to address the misconceptions to move learning forward (e.g., how will you adjust instruction, what descriptive feedback will you provide)? Formative Assessment Plan
VIDEO LINKS FOR COLLECTING AND DOCUMENTING DATA Elementary Example High School Example Watch Two Video Clips