Giza Necropolis (The Pyramids of Giza) By: Ray Hau Andrew Gilbert Alex Hartz
The Three Pyramids of Giza There are three main pyramids. Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure 4th Dynasty(circa 4750 B.C). Last surviving Ancient Wonder.
The Pyramid of Khufu Great Pyramid of Giza(Khufu) Largest single building ever made. Weighed 6 million tons total. Took 2.3 million stone blocks.
The Pyramid of Khafre Second-largest pyramid of Giza. Looks larger, but is smaller. Stands on a higher plateau. Several feet shorter than Khufu's.
The Pyramid of Menkaure Smallest of the three pyramids. Three smaller pyramids built near it. Last pyramid built on Memphite necropolises.
Last Information Might be inspired by Orion Belt. Orion sacred to the Egyptians. Believed it was home to Osiris. Perfectly aligned to true directions. True north, east, west, south.
Orion Belt Three Pyramids of Giza