S PANISH A MERICA & B RAZIL Ch. 17 (pp. 493 – 503)
G EOGRAPHY Spanish Empires in the Americas Mexico to Argentina (Rio de la Plata) Viceroyalties of New Spain, New Granada, Peru and La Plata Portuguese Empires in the Americas Brazil (Viceroyalty)
C OLONIAL S YSTEM O VERVIEW Uniformly Catholic Economies based on forced labor Highly stratified society (many classes) Patriarchal
T HE S TATE AND C HURCH Catholic Church acted as the primary agent of cultural transmission European language & customs Missionaries (like the Jesuits ) worked to convert natives (largely successful) Founded schools & universities
T HE S TATE AND C HURCH Some clergy members advocated for the protection of natives Ex. Bartolome de las Casas Traditional Amerindian beliefs blended with European culture to create an original form of Latin American Christianity Cult of Saints in Latin America
C OLONIAL E CONOMIES Spanish silver mines in Mexico & Peru Ex. Potosi American silver promoted European commercial expansion & industrialization Portuguese sugar plantations in Brazil Both had severe environmental impacts
C OLONIAL E CONOMIES Colonial economies in the Americas depended on a range of coerced labor systems Encomienda Spanish leaders divided Amerindian population among settlers and forced them to provide labor/goods (like tribute) Mita Because so much of Peru’s native population survived colonization, Spanish reinterpreted traditional labor system Spanish forced a percentage of the Amerindian male population to work a specified amount of time each year This mistreatment (along with periodic epidemics) led to decline of Amerindian population
C OLONIAL E CONOMIES Eventually African slave labor replaced natives More productive and resistant to disease
S OCIETY IN C OLONIAL A MERICA Massive demographic changes in the Americas resulted in new ethnic and racial classifications Social hierarchy (based on ethnicity) Spanish immigrants Spaniards born in the Americas ( creoles ) Spaniards + Amerindians ( mestizos ) Amerindians Spaniards + Africans ( mulattos ) African slaves