 Dec 2012 Publication of B10 Managing higher education provision with others  In determining which provision falls within the scope of this Chapter,


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Presentation transcript:

 Dec 2012 Publication of B10 Managing higher education provision with others  In determining which provision falls within the scope of this Chapter, the critical factor is whether the achievement of the learning outcomes for the module or programme are dependent on the arrangement made with the other delivery or support organisation(s).  The fundamental principle underpinning all arrangements for delivering learning opportunities with others is that the degree- awarding body has ultimate responsibility for academic standards and the quality of learning opportunities, regardless of where these opportunities are delivered and who provides them.

B10 Expectation:  “Degree-awarding bodies take ultimate responsibility for academic standards and the quality of learning opportunities, irrespective of where these are delivered or who provides them. Arrangements for delivering learning opportunities with organisations other than the degree-awarding body are implemented securely and managed effectively.”

 New institutional sub-committees  Programme Approvals  Internationalisation  Transnational Education (TNE)

 Articulation Agreements:  Validated Awards:  UK Foundation Degrees & Corporate Partnerships  International e.g. Singapore BSc  Franchised Programmes. Singapore, Malaysia, China  Distance Learning e.g. Law  Distance Delivery (Flying Faculty) BSc & MSc Malaysia  Dual Degree Europe only  Exchanges, Study and Work abroad

“The students of Northumbria have what would appear to be a greater natural ability to hand draw and sketch than their Sri Lankan counterparts…[but] Students of the Sri Lanka franchise are tackling projects which hold a far greater social and economic richness than [their] Northumbrian counterparts. In doing so they display a deeper understanding of the issues which designers must address beyond those of aesthetics.” “Northumbria demonstrates a greater understanding of brand values and is strong in its graphic representation Sri Lanka is less so but has a greater understanding of construction methodology and the production of contractual information. I would encourage where possible…students to share thoughts/work/project information as each institutions students could learn a lot from the other’s strengths.” (2011/12 External Examiner Report)

 Build on success  Single Approvals Framework  Transformative Partnerships  Increasingly internationalised and diverse student body  Joint Degrees  Student Exchanges  Staff Exchanges

 The ICoP pilot project at Northumbria seeks to take a different approach to overseas staff development by using the HEA, and HEA Fellowship Status, as a bridge between practitioners “at home” and “away”.  The pilot involves working with staff members from a partner institution and mentoring and supporting them to gain HEA Fellow status through a series of face to face meetings in Sri Lanka and regular online discussions.  The HEA will remain a key part of the process and unlike the model of exporting a locally designed PG Cert in Higher Education Practice (which brings Fellow status on completion) our aim is to develop partner staff and facilitate their direct engagement with the UK Professional Standards Framework (PSF) and the HEA.

 English language and academic skills of international students  Some disparity in student attainment (good degrees)  Differences with level and quality of assessment feedback  A lack of clarity re moderation processes in partners  Training of partner staff  Ethical obligations

 Provide clear comments and where possible specific comments relating to international / collaborative students  Help us with the introduction of statistical analysis at MEB & PAB  Act as a critical friend  Increase the level of review so that we can target enhancement

 Alan Gregg, Academic Coordinator Approvals & Collaborative Arrangements, Academic Quality  Scott Burgess, Academic Coordinator International, Academic Quality  Julie Edger, Associate Dean, International, Faculty of Health & Life Sciences  Dr Diane Sloan, Programme Director Collaborative Ventures Assurance and Review, Newcastle Business School, Faculty of Business & Law