© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world OVERPOPULATION: STRENGTH OR WEAKNESS OF THE WORLD
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world VOCABULARY WordMeaning UrbanizationPhysical growth of urban areas as a result of global change OutbreakA sudden occurrence of something unwelcome, such as war or disease. ImpoverishMake (a person or area) poor. FlourishingDeveloping rapidly and successfully; thriving. Traffic congestionCondition on road with increased vehicular queuing
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world OVERPOPULATION can be described as a situation when a person or animal’s number exceeds the expected carrying capacity.
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world Evidence of the benefit of overpopulation to economic growth can be seen in the economies of both China and India, which are economically flourishing despite their large populations. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF OVERPOPULATION? One advantage of overpopulation is that as population grows, so does the information economy. Overpopulation also creates more urbanization, which translates to economic development. According to the Washington Post, overpopulation can be beneficial because the more people there are, the more the information economy will grow. For example, more people do more jobs, which causes innovation. People produce more art and create more technology. According to an info graphic designed by Eye Candy, only countries with high levels of urbanization reach significant economic growth and income levels.
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world Overpopulation stimulates an improved standard of living.: The bigger a population in a country, the bigger the domestic market of that country. More people are able to work, which means that products are manufactured at cheaper costs and labor costs are lower, which in turn make these products more affordable to the general population. This creates economies of scale because volume increases and cost per unit decreases. As resources become scare as a result of increased consumption, increase in price of raw material is unavoidable. Demand, on the other hand has to be curtailed to ensure that production costs don’t affect the economy. In other words, overpopulation promotes correct pricing or raw materials. Better innovative technologies With better innovative technologies, the increased demand for services and goods will become patent because the pricing of raw materials will become more competitive. Additionally, overpopulation provides labor in manufacturing and processing industries leading to reduced prices of goods and services.
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world SOCIAL EQUALITY Overpopulation is also bound to re-examine traditional gender roles, bringing true social and economic quality for women. In addition to social equality, more inventions are inevitable to help solve the common problems that may arise due to the large population. This can create more jobs, which improves the economy for the better.
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world DISADVANTAGES
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world DISADVANTAGES OF OVER POPULATION 1. More mouths to feed. 2. Lower standard of living. 3. Poverty. 4. Overcrowded cities. 5. Sickness and spreading of diseases. 6. Insufficient natural resources to provide adequate goods and services. 7. Inadequate facilities, such as housing, medical etc. 8. Problem of starvation and malnourished population. 9. Education facilities may not meet the requirements of the entire population. 10. Unemployment.
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world 1. Higher crime rate due to unequal distribution of wealth and insufficient financial resources. 2. Environmental pollution. Trees are felled to make space for housing facilities. 3. Agricultural production is insufficient to meet the requirements of the entire population, which results in higher prices. 4. Money is diverted to ensure that the population is fed, rather then carrying out fundamental research. 5. Lower life expectancy. 6. People living in rural areas are not provided with employment opportunities. 7. Large number of people live in unhygienic conditions. 8. Birth rate is high. 9. Due to lack of proper medical facilities death rate is also very high. People succumb to various diseases. 10. Child labor is common. To sustain themselves families force their children to work, rather than send them to school.
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world WAYS TO CURB OVERPOPULATION Education A lack of education, coupled with poverty, gives rise to a simple theorem in impoverished classes: "More hands, more money".
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world FAMILY PLANNING While it may be considered immoral to enforce family planning on the world population, educating and raising awareness about it can certainly help
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world Tax Concessions An effective method of controlling birth rates is making provisions in taxation that favor families with none or a limited number of children. E.g., China, notably, has put in place tax structures favoring smaller families and Chinese statistics suggest that this system does, indeed, work.
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world Sex Education Sex education needs to be a mandatory subject in schools.
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world These solutions are doable and incorporate macro-level as well as micro-level authorities.
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world What is the situation in your country? What are governmental efforts to handle the situation? Are citizens actively participating to control the situation? Conversation
© 2015 albert-learning.com Overpopulation-Strength or weakness of the world Reviewed By Reviewed On Comments / Changes Made Anisha N.A.