Paying for Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for PLWHA Jennifer Marshall Pepper Program & Quality Manager, Ryan White Part A Program Shelby County Government Memphis, TN
Part A funded services are available to residents of Crittenden County, AR Part B funded services are available to all Arkansas state residents Part C Grantees: East Arkansas Family Health Center, West Memphis, AR ARCare, Batesville, Conway, Jonesboro, and Kensett, AR Jefferson Comprehensive Care Systems, Inc., Pine Bluff, AR Part D Grantees: ARCare, Batesville, Conway, Jonesboro, and Kensett, AR Jefferson Comprehensive Care Systems, Inc., Pine Bluff, AR Ryan White Parts A, B, C, D
Outpatient/Ambulatory medical care = the provision of professional diagnostic and therapeutic services rendered by a physician, physician's assistant, clinical nurse specialist, or nurse practitioner in an outpatient setting…. referral to and provision of specialty care (includes all medical subspecialties). Health Insurance Premium & Cost Sharing Assistance = the provision of financial assistance for eligible individuals living with HIV to maintain a continuity of health insurance or to receive medical benefits under a health insurance program. This includes premium payments, risk pools, copayments, and deductibles. Ryan White Parts A, B, C, D
AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP treatments) = State- administered program under Part B provides FDA- approved medications Resource: ousDisease/hivStdHepatitisC/Documents/ADAPDrugFormul ary.pdf ousDisease/hivStdHepatitisC/Documents/ADAPDrugFormul ary.pdf AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance (local) = local pharmacy assistance programs implemented by Part A or Part B to provide HIV/AIDS medications to clients. Ryan White Parts A, B, C, D
Title X Grantee is Arkansas Department of Health, Women’s Health Services Contraception STI Testing and Treatment Preconception Counseling Anyone, male or female, needing family planning services can be seen at any local health unit. All services are private and confidential. No one will be refused services because they do not have money to pay. Title X Family Planning
Women who have a family income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines and who are of childbearing age. The target population is women aged 14 to 44, but all women at risk of unplanned pregnancy may apply. Enrollees are Medicaid-covered for family planning services only. Women must be re-evaluated annually to continue receiving benefits. Arkansas Medicaid: Women’s Health Waiver
FREE pelvic exams, pap tests, and mammograms for all ages Includes coverage of Implanon® and IUD insertions and removals and sterilization procedures Resource: Waiver_ProvBrochure.pdf Waiver_ProvBrochure.pdf Arkansas Medicaid: Women’s Health Waiver
There are Essential Health Benefits of every Qualified Health Plan, including: Sexually Transmitted Infections counseling for sexually active women and men, including Syphilis Screening HAV, HBV, and HPV vaccinations Breast Cancer Mammography screenings every 1 to 2 years for women over 40 Breastfeeding comprehensive support and counseling from trained providers, and access to breastfeeding supplies, for pregnant and nursing women Cervical Cancer screening for sexually active women Affordable Care Act
There are Essential Health Benefits of every Qualified Health Plan, including: HIV screening and counseling for sexually active women and men Domestic and interpersonal violence screening and counseling for all women Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Test every 3 years for women with normal cytology results who are 30 or older Tobacco Use screening and interventions for all women, and expanded counseling for pregnant tobacco users Well-woman visits to get recommended services for women under 65 Affordable Care Act
Plans in the Health Insurance Marketplace must cover contraceptive methods and counseling for all women, as prescribed by a health care provider. These plans must cover the services without charging a copayment or coinsurance when they’re provided by an in- network provider. Health plans sponsored by certain exempt “religious employers,” like churches and other houses of worship, don’t have to cover contraceptive methods and counseling. Affordable Care Act
All Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptive methods prescribed by a woman’s doctor are covered, including: Barrier methods (used during intercourse), like diaphragms and sponges Hormonal methods, like birth control pills and vaginal rings Implanted devices, like intrauterine devices (IUDs) Emergency contraception, like Plan B® and ella® Sterilization procedures Patient education and counseling Plans aren’t required to cover: Drugs to induce abortions Services related to a man’s reproductive capacity, like vasectomies Affordable Care Act
Mirena® and Skyla® Paragard® PrEP access/truvada%20for%20prep%20medication%20assistan ce%20program Patient Assistance Programs