2 nd Trimester for Baby By: Anna Wolfe Susan Chilkotowsky
Second Trimester Timeline Week 10 and Week 11: basic structures become recognizable. Week 12 and Week 13: internal structures begin to take more definite shape. Week 14 and Week 15: muscles and bones become stronger. Week 16 and Week 17: reflexes begin. Week 18 and Week 19: individualistic characteristics begin forming. Week 20 and Week 21: normal human functions begin Week 22 and Week 23: fetus has formed into a recognizable baby.
Medical intervention Ultrasound-assessment of fetal growth Different tests to test for developmental or physical diseases occur during different weeks of the pregnancy.
Week 10 to Week 11 Basic brain structure is complete while brain mass is rapidly increasing Facial features forming Vocal cords form Fingernails being to form Baby develops reflexes, skin sensitive Genitalia begins to form, not differentiable Digestive system forms
Week 10 to Week 11 Possible diseases/ disorders Combined First Trimester Screening (CFTS) A maternal screen used to assess your baby's risk of Down Syndrome or Trisomy 18 combines blood testing with the use of ultrasound in order to get an in-depth analysis of your baby's health Abnormal levels could indicate an increased risk for Down Syndrome
Week 12 to Week 13 Internal mouth features form Heart beat is audible Lungs continue to develop Spleen and liver are fully functioning Gender of baby is recognizable, sexual organs are defined Appendages are almost at final proportional length Hands have more function Flexibility and movement are more smooth Muscle and nervous system advance
Week 14 to Week 15 Back muscle and bone structure form Eyes and ears move towards final position Heart pumps about 25 quarts of blood per day Respiratory and digestive system are more developed Torso grows in increasing proportion to head Limbs are well developed and defined Toenails beginning grow from nail beds
Possible diseases/ disorders Alpha-Fetaprotein (AFP) Between 15 th and 18 th week Analyzes blood for presence of AFP-special protein that baby makes during development
Week 16 to Week 17 Eyes and ears are at final destination Reflexes develop Finger tips and toes develop finger/toe prints
Possible diseases/ disorders Triple Test (between 15 th and 17 th week) detect the possibility of chromosomal abnormalities or birth defects can also indicate the likelihood of premature birth or miscarriage in some women low levels of AFP could indicate an increased risk for Down Syndrome
Week 18 to Week 19 Baby has phases of waking and sleeping Lanugo appears Eyebrows begin to form Ovaries of female fetuses contain primitive egg cells, uterus is fully formed Brown fat covers neck, chest, and crotch areas around lymphatic system
4D Ultrasound: Week 18
Possible diseases/ disorders Amniocentesis (performed between 15 th and 18 th week) AA test that is used to detect risk of fetal abnormalities including genetic defects, neural tube defects, and chromosome abnormalities OOne out of every 400 women who receive amniocentesis miscarry as a result of infection or puncture to the amniotic sac.
Week 20 to Week 21 Rapid brain growth begins Eyebrows and scalp hair become more visible Baby blinks more often Heart beat grows stronger Testes and male fetuses begin descending from the pelvis into the scrotum Legs approach final length and proportion Muscles strengthen, skeleton hardens By week 21 fetal bone marrow starts making blood cells
Possible diseases/ disorders Fetal Ultrasound (normally around 10 th and 20 th week) Image can then be analyzed for fetal growth, movement, birth presentation, and any malformations Pregnancy ultrasounds are typically performed through the abdomen
Week 22 to Week 23 Bones of ear harden, making sound conduction possible Fetus recognizes maternal sounds Respiratory system continues to develop Bones, muscles, and organs constantly developing Blood vessels, bones, and organs are visible under thin, wrinkled, translucent, pale skin
Growth Chart