It is the anniversary of the day on which the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress - July 4, the day they announced to the world that the 13 colonies no longer belonged to Great Britain.
1. Freedom of Speech and Expression 2. Freedom of Worship 3. Freedom from Want 4. Freedom from Fear (as expressed by Norman Rockwell, Saturday Evening Post, 1943)
Consider: It was not the Politician who gave us “Free Speech” and the “Right to Assemble,” It was the Soldier. It was not the Preacher who gave us the “Freedom of Religion,” It was the Soldier. It was not Welfare that gave us “Freedom from Want,” It was the Soldier. It was not the Government that gave us “Freedom from Fear,” It was the Soldier. Soldiers made this country “Free.”
But what we must also understand is that God is the one ultimately responsible any and all freedoms! Jas.1:17 God accepts those who “fear Him and do what is right” Acts 10:35. God blesses the righteous, but is against those who do evil, 1Pet.3: Soldiers could provide “Four Freedoms” for our country only because God Blessed America!
Therefore, If and when we fail to: Acknowledge and praise God as the Giver of every good and perfect gift, including our freedoms (Jas.1:17), Fear God and do what is right (Acts 10:34-35), And turn away from evil and do good (1Pet.3:10- 12), then God will no longer Bless America! Could it be that such has already occurred?
Blessings that are bruised rather than used are withheld by God, So let’s use Our Freedom of Speech to tell of His gracious provision of salvation, Matt.5:13-16; Phil.2:14-16, Instead of for our own vile purposes, Eph.5:4; Jas.3:6-10. Our Freedom of Religion to worship the One, True God in John 4:19-24, Instead of using it to have freedom from religion, Rom.1:18- 23; Heb.10:23-27.
Understand blessings that are bruised rather than used are withheld by God, So let’s use Our Freedom from Want to share God’s blessings with others, Eph.4:28; 1John 3:17, Instead of for our own selfish pursuits, Luke 12:13-21; 16: Our Freedom from Fear to “proclaim the excellencies” of God without fear, and enjoy true peace, 1Pet.2:9; Matt.10:24-39; Phil.4:4-7, Instead being fearful of death and judgment, 1John.4:18.
God has indeed blessed our Country, and made it great. But such will not continue if we fail to give Him the glory and honor due for His gracious provisions. Indeed, may “God Bless America” and all the World! And may we all strive to seek, find, and do that which pleases Him rather than ourselves, Eph.5:10.