Rosie: History, Iconography and Contemporary Issues
Rosie as Propaganda: Realities of a TWO FRONT WAR Soldiers for both European and Pacific Theaters 12 Million American Men in the Military by 1944 Plus, Stuff for a 2 Front War—Different stuff.
Waged Work Not Just for Poor Women Anymore. Waged Work as PATRIOTIC.
Whole Lotta Rosies
I. Women’s Waged War Work: Let’s Do the Numbers 1930: 22% Working Age Female Employment 1940: 25% “ 1945: 37% 6.5 Million Women added to workforce Or 1 in 4 of Married Women at WAGED work (cause they’re all doing unwaged work– right?) 350,000 Women joined the Armed Services 310,000 women worked in aircraft industries, or 65% of total work force
II. Women’s Military Service A. WAC: Women’s Army Aux. Corp B. WAVES: Navy Women’s Auxiliary
C. Marine Corp Women’s Reserve D. SPARS: Women’s Coast Guard Aux. E. WASP: WOMEN’S AIRFORCE SERVICE PILOTS
F. Army Nurse Corp *54,000 Active Duty *217 Black Nurses *66 POWs E. Navy Nurse Corp: *11,000 Active Duty *11 POWs * 24 Flight Nurses
III. Women’s Non-Military and Volunteer Work A. OSS: Office of Strategic Services: Sisterhood of Spies --Julia Child and Marlene Dietrich B. American Red Cross: Nursing, Relief Supplies, Entertainment
C. United Service Organization: Programs, Services and Entertainment to Military personnel.
IV. Women’s Domestic Work Victory Gardens:
Conservation as Patriotism
Wonder Woman: A Rosie! Introduced by DC Comics, Jan., 1942, to Suggest Female Power, Sexual Equality and Women’s Role in Fighting “Evil.”
SO What? Yea Women! Yea Women? (Note, we still need conferences like these)
Norman Rockwell’s Rosie
The Bechdel Test 1. The Movie has more than ONE Woman. 2. The Two women Talk to Each Other. 3. They Talk About Something Other Than Men.
Examples of Films Girls Watch that Fail the Test 1. Harry Potter– Deathly Hallows 2. Avatar 3. Star Wars 4. Lord Of the Rings Films 5. The Twilight Films of 14 Pixar Films (Bug Life, Toy Story 3, Incredibles and Brave Pass) 7. And, sadly, so many more.
Anita Sarkeesian and Sexism in Video Games Studies Gender Tropes in Video Games and misogyny in Gaming Culture. 1. Women are objectified and sexualized. 2. Women exist to be rescued—Damsel in Distress Trope. 3. Women are rarely Protaganists. 4. Violence, both sexual and not, against women is ubiquitous.
Susan Douglas on TV 1. Women should be judged FIRST by their appearance. 2. Women need to compete over men. 3. Women can’t get along with each other. 4. Women are overly emotional and obsessed with relationships. 5. Women should be sexy, but not sexual. 6. Strong women are bitches. 7. Women are materialistic and shallow. 8. Housework and Childrearing are Women’s Work.
The Othello Effect or Internalized Oppression
Can Rosie and Wonder Woman HELP US Save OURSELVES?
Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Not Only Shapes How People See You, it Shapes WHO YOU ARE
Our Bodies Chang Our Minds Cortisone is the Stress Hormone. Testosterone is the Dominance/Confidence Hormone 2 Minutes of “Power Posing” Raises Testosterone and lowers Cortisol. TWO MINUTES!!!! Get Your Testosterone Up and your Cortisol Down.
What’s a High Power Pose? 1. Rosie! 2. WONDER WOMAN!
Go Forth and Be, NOT a Powerful Person, but a Powerful Woman. Redefine Power. NOW. For the GIRLS.