Christian Doctrine For Everyman
Last week our class studied the first ordinance of the local church, “baptism.” There were 5 points of emphasis: 1.The obligation of baptism applies to all Christians 2.The mode of baptism is by total immersion 3.The subject of baptism is only those who believe in Jesus 4.The administrator of baptism is the local church 5. The design of Baptism is a symbol; it is not save.
We started last week’s lesson by defining the word “ordinance” as “a legal document of proof.” In the First Century church era, ordinances were not optional. Failure to participate or to take them seriously and respectfully was considered evidence of a false conversion. Refusal to participate in the ordinance of baptism could be viewed in the same light today. In this session we will look at the second ordinance of the local church.
THREE POINTS OF EMPHASIS 1. It’s Institution 2. The Participants 3. It’s Meaning
IT’S INSTITUTION The institution or origin of the Lord’s Supper is Bible based. The account of the institution is recorded by the first three gospel writers: Matthew 26:26-29 Matthew 26:26-29 Mark 14:22 Mark 14:22 Luke 22:17-20 Luke 22:17-20 It is also recorded in Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth. 1 Corinthians 11: Corinthians 11:23-26
THE PARTICIPANTS Sharing in the Lord’s Supper is both a privilege and a right. It is a special honor that is extended only to those who are invited. The Study Guide says: “The very nature of the Supper as the communion of the body and blood of Christ indicates that the Lord's table is only for those who share in him.”
ITS MEANING The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper, like Baptism, is a source of controversy. While baptism centers around the “mode,” the Lord’s Supper centers around the “meaning.” There are three basic theories: Transubstantiation Transubstantiation Contransubtantiation Contransubtantiation Symbolic Symbolic
Transubstantiation The doctrine that the substance of the bread and the wine used in the Lord’s Supper is changed into the actual Body and the Blood of Jesus. It is a not just a sign or a figure. While the outward appearances of the elements of bread and wine remains unchanged - to the human senses - it is a reality.
Contransubstantiation While the elements do not become the physical body and blood of Jesus, there is nevertheless a real spiritual presence of Jesus in the elements. In other words, spiritually, the bread and wine of Lord's Supper are the flesh and blood of Jesus.
Symbolic The primary meaning of the Lord's Supper is that it is a symbolic memorial. It is a reminder of two things. 1.The Death of Jesus 2.The Resurrection & Return of Jesus
COMMUNAL MEALS In the Bible days, eating was much more than a time to nourish the physical body. It was also a time of fellowship and family gathering. It was for this reason that communal meals were shared only with people who were relatives or very close friends. Still, Jewish customs and laws called for hospitality to be extended to Jewish travelers. This included a meal and lodging.
The meal consisted of a minimum of bread and wine. Some times herbs or a meat or vegetable sauce were included. The sauce was placed in a single bowl in the center of the table where all could eat from it. The bread was normally a single loaf, broken by the head of the house and given to each family member. The wine, on special occasions, was placed in a single container and passed from one family member to another. From this practice came the Love Feast.
The Love Feast, also known as the AGAPE, became an opportunity for the early church to obey Jesus’ ordinance to remember. They took a physical practice and gave it a spiritual meaning. The fruit of the vine was the second most important growth product among the Jewish people. It was used for: Food – grapes, raisins & cakesFood – grapes, raisins & cakes WineWine MedicinalMedicinal The juice of this fruit was the life source of all three.
The word bread refers to essential foods to sustain life. Both bread and blood are needed to sustain human life. But bread has to be constantly consumed to sustain life. Likewise blood carries nutrients throughout the body in order to sustain life. But blood gets those nutrients from bread. Thus, they are both life essential. Bread – The Staff of LifeBread – The Staff of Life Blood – The Source of LifeBlood – The Source of Life Wine – External Consumption which bring Internal joyWine – External Consumption which bring Internal joy
Thus, Holy Communion or The Lord’s Supper should be a special time of remembering, reflecting and rejoicing. It is not an invitation with an RSVP; it is a summon of all those who have accepted Jesus’ gift of salvation. If we accept His gift of Eternal Life, then we are obligated to accept His invitation to sup with Him. Not to do so, as often as we can, is to show a lack of appreciation. He has paid for and prepared the meal – COME AND SUP!
STUDENTS ASSIGNMENT Continue reading PART VIII, THE NATURE OF THE CHURCH, Session 45, “The Government of the Local Church” page 90. Then name the four types of church government. 1.The ____________ 2.The ____________ 3.The ____________ 4.The ____________