Paperless University Initiative Timeline of our progression as a Paperless University Implementing our Paperless University Supporting our Paperless University
Paperless University Timeline Proposal ► Loyola strategic plan developed ► Enterprise Content Management project proposed by cost savings committee ► Case study focusing on 8 business units and academic departments Forms, letters, workflow, pain points, software, document retention “Paperless University As-Is Document”
Paperless University Timeline Departments1 Users19 ► Paperless University initiative approved by President’s cabinet and to be centrally managed under CIO ► Perceptive Software selected ► Human resources is first Paperless University implementation Ellucian Colleague integration New hire process ProposalHR
Paperless University Timeline ► Begin focus on student lifecycle Undergraduate admission & graduate admission offices implemented ► Enterprise adoption begins Graduate admission workflow extends reach to academic departments Departments13 Users152 ProposalHRAdmission
Paperless University Timeline ► Accounts payable office implements electronic invoice approval 10 purchasing departments Over 50% of total invoices ► Additional graduate admission programs go live Departments20 Users216 ProposalHRAdmissionA/P
Paperless University Timeline ► Academic advising office makes student records available to advisors ► Classes of 2015 and 2016 fully electronic ► By 2015 all student records will be electronic ► Common Application live Departments23 Users453 ProposalHRAdmissionA/PAdvising
Paperless University Timeline ► Records office workflow implemented Graduation application and approval Master schedule generation ► Future paperless plans Retention policy management Athletics, international programs, student development, advancement Departments26 Users480 ProposalHRAdmissionA/PAdvisingRecords
Implementing a Paperless University Develop Strategy Capture Process and Integration Store, Search, Retrieve
Implementing a Paperless University - Strategy Business process analysis Map “as-is” and “to-be” processes Project management methodology Identification of business offices using parallel strategies: Student lifecycle Administrative offices System integration
Implementing a Paperless University - Capture When and how to backscan Focus on document retention Scan documents immediately upon receipt Progression to electronic capture
Implementing a Paperless University – Capture Eliminate paper forms
Implementing a Paperless University – Process and Integration Leverage automation wherever possible Integration with core business applications Ellucian Colleague & Recruiter RuffaloCODY Enrollment Manager And business partners Common Application Bank of America
Implementing a Paperless University – Store, Search, Retrieval Documents in Perceptive Content Ease and benefits Cost and space savings
Supporting a Paperless University Staff & Support Continual Improvement
Supporting a Paperless University – Staff & Support Loyola Paperless User’s Group Staff and roles Departmental power users Liaisons between IT and departments Help strategize, troubleshoot & disseminate information Keep users engaged Document everything!
Supporting a Paperless University – Continual Improvement Set goals and key indicators with each project Follow up after delivery What’s working? Does the workflow still make sense? Unexpected consequences? Additional training? Reporting Set new goals DesignImplementMeasureAnalyzeImprove
Takeaways Executive sponsorship Key partners within all divisions of the University Project management Roles – business analyst & technical