Planning Commission Study Session: Preferred Plan July 23, 2015
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan 1.Project Schedule and Work Completed to Date 2.Overview of July 16 th Planning Commission Meeting 3.Draft Preferred Plan 4.Recommended Actions 5.Discussion and Planning Commission Action 6.Next Steps and Wrap-Up Agenda
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Community Visioning and Issue Identification Housing Element Analysis of Existing Conditions, Opportunities and Constraints Analysis of Development Scenarios Preferred Plan and Policy Formulation Drafting and Completion of the General Plan Environmental Review General Plan Update Schedule
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Technical Analysis: – Economic and Fiscal Background Report (April 2013) – Final Adopted Housing Element (October 2013) – Opportunities and Challenges, Issues and Options Report (Revised June 2014) – Development Scenarios Analysis Report (April 2015) Water Infrastructure Analysis Wastewater Hydraulic Review Evaluation of Impacts on City’s Water Pollution Control Facility Fiscal and Economic Analysis Transportation Evaluation Documents Completed to Date
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Community Outreach: – Public Participation Program – Final Community Vision and Guiding Principles – Stakeholder Interviews Report (March 2013) – Community Visioning Workshops Report (May 2013) – Community Survey Results (June 2013) – Development Scenarios Workshop Report (June 2015) – General Plan Steering Committee Materials and Meeting Notes Documents Completed to Date
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Project Status; Where We Are Development Scenarios – Overview and Analysis – Community Workshop Results – General Plan Steering Committee Discussion Discussion on Growth Policies and Triggers – General Plan Steering Committee Discussion Draft Preferred Plan – Key Characteristics Public Comment Period July 16 th Planning Commission Meeting: Overview
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Development Scenarios Analysis - Brief Summary of Findings Examples of Infill Development Policies Converted Farmland within Specific Plan Areas by Category Flood Update July 16 th PC Meeting: Requested Information
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Composed of a Land Use Map and accompanying general policy concepts Provides the framework upon which the Draft General Plan will be based, and broadly defines what the EIR will analyze as the Proposed Project Continued refinement of maps and policy concepts will occur as the Draft General Plan is written Draft Refined Preferred Plan
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Preferred Plan Map and Key Strategies
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan May proceed at any time General Plan to include strong incentives and removal of constraints to promote infill Infill Downtown and on Key Corridors
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Buildout priority Spring Lake Specific Plan
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan No infrastructure requirements (e.g. flood solution) before plan development may proceed Residential building may proceed once the SLSP has reached 80% buildout or 3 years has passed Planning can start at any time, including processing an application for SP-1A concurrently with General Plan Update SP-1 Area / MPRA
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Development requires a SP, which may not be processed until a comprehensive flood solution (Cache Creek and Yolo Bypass west levees) has been designed, engineered, funded and construction approvals granted New sprayfields for PCP plant must also be identified SP-2 Area
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Development consistent with underlying designations may proceed at any time, provided it is consistent with locally preferred flood solution Residential development requires a SP, which may not be processed until the Cache Creek Flood Control Project has been designed, engineered, funded and construction approvals granted. SP-3 Area
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Promote improvements Emphasis on creating visually compelling “entryways” Research/tech park anchored South Gateway Flood will be a constraint for North Gateway Development in South Gateway is encouraged at any time (with comprehensive infrastructure planning) Gateways
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Development encouraged at any time General Plan will include information on what properties are most likely to develop without a flood solution in place and provide tools to promote this Industrial Area
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Annexation and tax sharing agreements negotiated with Yolo County for currently unincorporated areas Development Agreements established with the City to accompany any new Specific Plan or master plan – e.g. the Woodland Commerce Center in the industrial area Preparation of a Corridor Plan or significant update to the East Street Specific Plan (and accompanying subsequent General Plan Amendment) if the rail line along East Street were to be relocated Other Growth-Related Policies/Requirements
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Residential growth: Approximately 7,000 dwelling units – Midpoint of the range analyzed in Development Scenarios Analysis – Roughly 1.4% annually Job growth: to maintain desired jobs/housing balance – Should be even with or slightly higher than housing unit growth – Roughly % annually Target Growth in Planning Period
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan The General Plan land use plan should – and does, as presented – accommodate a flood solution being in place during the GP planning horizon (2035). However, the General Plan should also be flexible enough so as to accommodate expected/desired growth under a scenario where there may not be a flood solution within this planning horizon. – Economic development should not be dependent on a flood solution. – The EIR would not analyze new residential growth in areas subject to flooding. Implications of Flood Issue
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan State law (SB 5) significantly restricts the city from advancing any proposed residential development for areas within the flood zone, absent finding of “significant” progress in addressing the flood risk, consistent with the policy language proposed for SP-2 and SP-3. Implications of Flood Issue
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan It is recommended that the Planning Commission make the following recommendations to the City Council: – Accept the Draft Land Use Map as the Preferred Land Use Exhibit for the purposes of drafting the revised General Plan and General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) – Accept the Proposed Development Strategy as conceptual direction for key land use and related policies in the General Plan Update. – Direct staff and the consultant team to prepare the Draft General Plan incorporating the Preferred Land Use Exhibit and proposed development strategy. Recommended Actions
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan City Council (September): – Review all input – Receive recommended Preferred Plan and Policy Framework – Provide direction on Preferred Plan and Policy Framework Begin drafting the General Plan Next Steps
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Cache Creek 200 Year Floodplain SP-3 SP-2 SP-1
GENERAL PLAN UPDATE | Preferred Plan Yolo Bypass 200 Year Floodplain SP-3 SP-2 SP-1