Personnel & Compensation
What is effective Human Resource Management ? The right people, doing the right work, fairly compensated and managed to meet the needs of our community. The right people, doing the right work, fairly compensated and managed to meet the needs of our community. Many ways to measure this…. Many ways to measure this…. Employee satisfaction Employee satisfaction Performance evaluation Performance evaluation Customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction Employee turnover Employee turnover
Key principles to consider Employees doing similar work should receive similar pay. Employees doing similar work should receive similar pay. Variations in pay must be based on significant differences in responsibilities, required job knowledge, necessary job skills, critical abilities and on salaries paid by other employers (public and private) in the market. Variations in pay must be based on significant differences in responsibilities, required job knowledge, necessary job skills, critical abilities and on salaries paid by other employers (public and private) in the market. The process for classifying and evaluating the relative worth of positions must be fair – open and based on need. The process for classifying and evaluating the relative worth of positions must be fair – open and based on need. People are treated fairly and equitably, with opportunity for due process. People are treated fairly and equitably, with opportunity for due process.
Accomplishing this work requires… Job descriptions Job descriptions Based on job analysis of needs, not abilities Based on job analysis of needs, not abilities Change as the job changes Change as the job changes Kept up to date Kept up to date Classification scale Classification scale Similar jobs banded together based on similar work Similar jobs banded together based on similar work Provides an avenue for performance-based review of work Provides an avenue for performance-based review of work Personnel policies Personnel policies The rules of work The rules of work
Complicating factors… Six bargaining units – all with some sort of arbitration clause – all represent the interests of their represented – they take care of employees – not the City. Some of this might be a bargaining issue – set your expectations accordingly. Six bargaining units – all with some sort of arbitration clause – all represent the interests of their represented – they take care of employees – not the City. Some of this might be a bargaining issue – set your expectations accordingly. Case law: Public Employment = Property Right Case law: Public Employment = Property Right Legal liability as a public employer Legal liability as a public employer Civil Rights Act 1964 – employment records Civil Rights Act 1964 – employment records Fair Labor Standards Act 1963 – collective bargaining, time Fair Labor Standards Act 1963 – collective bargaining, time Age Discrimination in Employment 1967 Age Discrimination in Employment 1967 Family Medical Leave Act 1993 Family Medical Leave Act 1993 WISHA/L&I/OSHA Workplace Safety Laws WISHA/L&I/OSHA Workplace Safety Laws Employee Retirement Income Security Act Employee Retirement Income Security Act Department of Labor Department of Labor Americans with Disability Act Americans with Disability Act Equal Pay Act Equal Pay Act Uniform Services Employment Act Uniform Services Employment Act
Job Descriptions Create the foundation for many employment functions in the future – staffing needs, reorganization potential, compensation, recruitment, performance measurement, training needs, demotions, terminations, reassignments Create the foundation for many employment functions in the future – staffing needs, reorganization potential, compensation, recruitment, performance measurement, training needs, demotions, terminations, reassignments Job analysis examines…essential and marginal attributes Job analysis examines…essential and marginal attributes Physical Environment Physical Environment Basic knowledge, training, education Basic knowledge, training, education Intellectual skills and effort Intellectual skills and effort Physical skills and effort Physical skills and effort Experience Experience Interaction with others Interaction with others Confidentiality Confidentiality Occupational risks Occupational risks Complexity of work Complexity of work
Classification Plan Link similar positions to each other in a classification plan Link similar positions to each other in a classification plan Most cities have between categories Most cities have between categories Entry level maintenance workers Entry level maintenance workers Senior maintenance workers Senior maintenance workers Accounting Clerk Accounting Clerk Police Officer Police Officer Department Director Department Director
Job Classifications to Salary Scale Find comparables to “peg” salary scale to Find comparables to “peg” salary scale to Avg. Low, Mid, High Points Avg. Low, Mid, High Points Do we want to be average ? Do we want to be average ? Create a job performance track Create a job performance track Successful performance advances Successful performance advances Unsuccessful performance same or lower Unsuccessful performance same or lower Create a matrix – position and performance Create a matrix – position and performance
Making this happen Job Descriptions Job Descriptions Salary Survey Salary Survey Performance Evaluation Performance Evaluation Ongoing Supervision and Best Practices Ongoing Supervision and Best Practices