Mountain Biking in Victoria
What have we got? The Big 4 (Mt Buller, You Yangs, Lysterfield, Forrest) Buxton, Bloores Hill, Westgate Park, Beechworth, Narbethong, Smiths Gully, Wombat, Bowden Spur Numerous Pump Tracks and Dirt Jumps Heaps of informal trails, proposals and potential (Warburton, Creswick, Anglesea etc.) + a small amount of Private (Apollo Bay & Dookie)
What don’t we have yet? A State-wide MTB Strategy Connection with Tourism Potential Adequate stakeholder representation Integration with all trail based activities Industry and Agency Investment
Public Land Mountain Bike Guidelines
Background: Guidelines developed in 2012 Joint project between Parks Victoria and Department of Environment and Primary Industries Engagement – internal and external Broad support for project Procedure Statement (PRO ) All PV staff must comply with the Public Land MTB Guidelines
Outcomes: Direction to assist staff with the immediate assessment and management of mountain biking as a recreational activity on public land Provides delegation and approval structure and guidance to make informed and consistent decisions
Seven Guiding Principles: 1.MTB is an appropriate activity on many areas of public land 2.MTB opps can’t be provided everywhere – therefore to be considered in regional context 3.PV/DEPI will work with MTB community 4.PV/DEPI will facilitate access where appropriate through provision of suitable facilities
Seven Guiding Principles cont.: 5. Impact of MTB activities on E&C values will and needs of sd other users will be considered. 6. Will seek support and assistance of MTB community and ddd others in the planning, delivery, maintenance and ongoing ddd resourcing of MTB opps. Must be sustainable in financial ddd and resource sense. 7. Unsuitable trails (or sections of) will be closed and ddddrehabilitated in consultation with MTB and wider ddddcommunity.
Legislation context – Appendix 1 Risk management - TTF’s and IMBA TDRS OHS Act 2004 (Criminal) s21 employers, s23 public Wrongs Act 1958 (Civil) “reasonably practicable” and “DoC”
Application of the Guidelines:
Management Specific Discussions: Shared use tracks Benefits of both shared use and single use Closure of inappropriate or unsafe tracks Maintenance of tracks
Management Specific Discussions cont.: Information, education & compliance Cameras & counters Working with user groups Events
Assessment process overview (Appendix 3 &4)
Strategic Assessment: Objectives - To assess viability of proposals to upgrade an existing track/network or develop a new track/network To assess viability of formalising or rationalising an existing track/network
Detailed Planning Assessment: Objectives - To provide a checklist of key questions to consider when assessing in more detail the proposed site of a new MTB track/network or one that is to be upgraded To ensure a consistent approach is undertaken to assess in detail natural and cultural values, costs and on-ground requirements to proceed with MTB track/network
Mountain bike opportunity proposal template: (Appendix 5) Developed to support consistent approach for submissions and review/assessment
Guidelines in use: Great Otway National Park (Eumeralla) Loyola G50 Bushland Reserve (Mansfield) Arthurs Seat State Park (Complete) Ararat Regional Park You Yangs Regional Park (retrospective)(Complete)
Guidelines use in the future: Joint projects by DEPI/PV and potentially LG Incorporate into business planning Strengthened relationships with MTB community and other users Review of guidelines in 2015