Child Support – is there an app for that? Your logo 1 Lynnetta Thompson NDNH and Web Content Manager Office of Child Support Enforcement
Child Support Portal Employer Services App 2
OCSE What’s new with New Hire Reporting and VOEs? 3
New Hire Reporting Pilot Your Logo OCSE launched the New Hire Reporting Compliance Pilot last summer Targets employers who might not be reporting new hires Tests whether employers are more likely to respond to the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) versus the state child support office 4
New Hire Reporting Pilot Methodology OCSE compared two sequential quarterly wage records on the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) Employees listed in the later quarter, but not found in the earlier quarter, were considered possible new hires Employers that did not report those individuals as new hires were considered potentially non-complaint OCSE mailed approximately 600 letters 5
New Hire Reporting Pilot Results Your Logo Pilot ended November 30, 2015 for 6 states and January 3, 2016 for one state that started later Results will help with future employer outreach strategies and to explore additional ways to improve new hire reporting compliance 6
Verification of Employment Update Your Logo Amendment to Fair Credit Reporting Act in Fixing America’s Surface Transportation FAST Act (P.L )FAST Act Eliminates requirement that child support agencies notify the noncustodial parent at least 10 days prior to requesting information from a consumer credit reporting agency if determining the appropriate level of payments or enforcing a child support order, award, agreement, or judgment Many third-party VOE providers are considered consumer credit reporting agencies DCL provides guidance to child support agencies DCL
Your Logo 8
OCSE How much did child support agencies collect through income withholding and what’s new with renewing the form? 9
Income Withholding Preliminary FY15 collections attributed to income withholding $24.5 billion which represents 75% of all child support collections IWO form revisions The IWO form must be revised by July 31, 2017 and OCSE is beginning the reauthorization process Comments will be accepted after the first notice publishes in the Federal Register later this year 10
Your Logo OCSE What’s the status of the e-IWO mandate for states? 11
Electronic Income Withholding Orders Your Logo Receive child support IWOs electronically Send electronic acknowledgments to child support agencies Select programming or no programming option Report lump sum payments and terminations 12
e-IWO Statistics (as of 2/29/16) 51 states/territories participating Guam, SC, and VI not participating 1,149 companies/ organizations representing 9,375 active unique FEINs Over 5 million e-IWOs processed since 2005! Your Logo Order Counts 1,608,1191,184,293926,373 13
Your Logo OCSE How can I report a lump sum payment or termination online? 14
Lump Sum & eTerm Reporting Your Logo Employer Services Web App Lump sum reporting allows you to report employees who are eligible to receive upcoming lump sum payments eTerm allows you to report that an employee no longer works or never worked for you 15
Lump Sum & eTerm Reporting Statistics Your Logo Employer Services Participation: 49 states and territories participate in lump sum reporting (DE, MI, RI, VT, and WI not participating) 51 states and territories participating in eTerm (NV, RI, and VT not participating) 200 employers participate in lump sum reporting and eTerm 1,337 FEINs For more information or a live demonstration, please contact 16
Your Logo OCSE What’s new with the Child Support Portal? 17
Child Support Portal Employer Services Application Changing look and feel Adding functionality for employers to: review and edit address and subsidiary information in OCSE databases assign address types, for example, address to send IWOs, VOE documents, and National Medical Support Notices identify third-party providers for IWOs, VOEs, new hire reporting, workers’ compensation provide company contact information indicate whether a company offers health insurance to employees or if a company has a pension plan Your Logo 18
Your Logo OCSE Are there upcoming child support conferences that employers should attend? 19
2016 Employer Symposium Your Logo We invite you to join us at 2016 Employer Symposium May 5 th in Myrtle Beach, SC This is the fourth symposium in more than 10 years and will give attendees a forum to discuss program innovations and improvements Stakeholders, including experts from the child support and employer communities, will explore ways to improve operations and communication Go to the ERICSA website for additional information and to register for the 2016 Symposium! 20
2016 NCSEA Leadership Symposium Who? Attendees include Child Support Agency Leaders What? Employer focused session: A Walk In My Shoes…The Employer, State, and Federal Perspective When? July 31—August 3, 2016 Where? New Orleans, LA 21 Go to the NCSEA website for additional information and to register for the 2016 Leadership Symposium in New Orleans, LA!
OCSE Website 22
Sherri Grigsby Federal Manager Lynnetta Thompson Manager, NDNH and Web Team Robyn Large Employer Services Web App and EFT Employer Services Team Cindy Holdren IWO & NMSN Outreach, Policy, Website Bill Stuart e-IWO 23
Questions 24